This blog will be a simple set of sentences. It seems a few people, some people I do not know, are very angry with me and have referred to me as a Russian Bot, because I post way too many articles and opinions, very negatively stated against Trump. Perhaps I have reached a level of fame, I never sought, or a level of truth, others have decided to ignore. My first response was to become pissed, but Joe, my husband, talked me out of that feeling, telling me, who the fuck are these people any, way, so who should give a fuck… Then someone screamed via a post, that WHAT I DON’T WORK, and have all the time to write mean blogs about Trump. Again I first grew infuriated, then thought to myself, WHAT THE FUCK, IF YOU ARE READING ALL I WRITE, DON’T YOU WORK…truth be told, I am retired, and I don’t work! Often times some people will respond and say, I suppose in a meaningful and helpful manner, haven’t you said enough, ALREADY! My answer, if you have read more than one of my comments or blogs is that SILENCE, HAS ALWAYS EQUALLED DEATH, I am not ready to die, not am I am ready for democracy to die, (albeit, it seems to be on its last legs, standing) Finally, someone, of random douchebaginess is so concerned with my continuation of blogging, or ranting, or commenting, that he or she or it (one never knows on FB, who IS real or not) is going to see to it that I am reported to the FB Police, and have me banned! All of which at the same times irks me, makes me feel as if I am that pain in the ass of the side of evil I hoped to be, and that some people are upset, that I WILL not become a lemming, and permit Trump to lie, steal cheat, grift, and consider even one death from the COVID-19, not a big deal. I write this particular blog, because, once again, although the days seem like GROUNDHOG DAY, new evidence appears right in front of our faces, which SCREAM, a bad man, a very evil and insidious, self-serving man, has the power in this nation to let all of us, even those who consider him their Lord and Savior/those who bribe him because not paying taxes is their definition of patriotism, those who now feel empowered to hate out loud, even those unintelligent, backward, thugs, more and more truth is found, and more and more it is, with great desire trying to be buried by one of the two most dangerous politicians in this nation, Trump, and his heartless, façade of a human McConnell.
Long opening paragraph, usually a bad idea to keep the reader's interest. But I needed to be clear, and just could not chop up my feelings into a lesser statement. Whatever power I have, I will exert, if that power comes merely in my opinions, and comments, like a tsunami, a flood, a wave, or a trickle, I will write it. If you don’t like that fact, I don’t really care. If you appreciate what I say, thank you, and join in and say what you believe needs to be done to make America safe again, and America to remain a democracy. For me, the days in which we live ARE either truth or fiction/good or evil/ right or wrong, and with Trump in power, we can never pretend to find a middle ground, because HE NEVER WILL, nor DOES HE KNOW HOW!