Today, I honestly had to hide from my own thoughts of despair, and doom, and most of all just how THE DUMB has made so many people NUMB. I still have an endless barrel of sarcastic cynicism, a pile of political puke, expunged by the people who have become the politicians, led into the limelight by the people who have become the peon, the peasant, the pissant, to share. Yet, I waited to approach my computer, and rant, or rave, or respond, reminding myself, I cannot give up or give in, even though the tasks ahead are seemingly more and more insurmountable, and to be honest, has felt like the unseen mold and mildew, hidden in plain sight, doing so much invisible damage. But I write, and if it is cathartic, or just a way to chase the confusion and chaos away, I DO know for me the consequences of remaining silent, are more deadly than sometimes feeling like I am screaming into the wind. Each day, when I think I have heard or seen or read ENOUGH, there IS more, and it is like a pile of dung, the stench, unbreathable, the sight untenable, and the idea that no one seems to be cleaning it up unreasonable!
Bernie Sanders dropped out of the race, a man with principles, and I accept his desire to make a change, yet he has not provided Joe Biden with his PURE blessings, and so those who live and die, Bernie, have begun the descent into, spite, and spittle, swearing revenge. States are closing clinics where women must find sanctuary to decide if an abortion is right or wrong for their personal needs, yet the same states are offended that Gun Stores are being closed. We know Social Distancing has made a difference, yet somehow social distancing is an offense toe so-called religious freedom, and churches refuse to adhere to common sense, instead deciding as many have that THOUGHTS and PRAYERS will triumph, just like they HAD NOT after every victim of gun violence. Jared Kushner, nothing but a SON-IN-LAW, and a conspirator in fraud, tax evasion, bribery, and God only know what his part had been regarding the Saudi murder of the journalist Khashoggi, is now hoarding taxpayer paid for supplies, as if he is the newly appointed King of Life or Death. Trump lies about HYDROXY-CHLOROQUINE as if that is the answer to COVID-19,(because he and his 1% Domestic Terrorists Wealthy Oligarch Donors, have invested in those who manufacture the drug. And all kinds of policies regarding the health and welfare and security of this nation are being deliberated by FOX Entertainment treasonous clowns. The Media, learning nothing at all from permitting the Trump Reality Show to continue, spreading lies as fast and quick as the COVID -19 Virus spreads death, let Trump’s daily propaganda go on and on and on.
I am feeling the burden of EVIL triumphing over GOOD. I am feeling a heaviness, of what is WRONG, winning over what should be right. Hard day, today, to write this BLOG, but I know that SILENCE DOES EQUAL DEATH!