The Inquisition, in historical ecclesiastical parlance also referred to as the "Holy Inquisition", was a group of institutions within the Catholic Church whose aim was to combat heresy. A bit of religious history, presumed to be a willful wish of a God, to create harm among many of those whose own beliefs differed in tone and tempo. Now it seems Pastors in Texas, and Florida are demanding their Religious Liberty, their own war against various State requirements that socials distancing is JUST their LORD and SAVIORS thinking. This group of religious zealots, the group who also feel that religious discrimination is written in the Constitution, believe that their God makes the rules and only their God can break any rules by the US Government because the Holy Book has more credence than a Constitution. So, be it the COVID-19, or any other health-related or natural apocalypse, it is Jesus, who has the final word on how, why and who had been affected, and who should ignore any advice from mere mortals.
The Denial, a mostly Southern and Mid-Western attitude, that as long as it sounds like a Democrat Party idea or ideal, the purpose behind even the mere suggestion of inclusion, it must be of the Devil, and somehow perceived as either Socialism or Communism, and thus void of anything seeming like American Christianity; which any Southern Baptist Biblical Pay to Pray/Mega Church/Evangelical Christian Crusader understands is not what the white American Jesus prefers. So, as most of the rest of America suffers the consequences of a Trump Total ignorance, and Arrogance of an insidious Pandemic decimating the lives of Americans, the Southern states and many Mid-Western and Western States, whose Legislature and Governor’s Mansion is Red as the blood of a murder on a rampage, believe that it matters not to them, because they have two kinds of freedoms, one a RELIGIOUS LIBERTY, and the other, a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT, to ignore the welfare of the larger community, for the benefit of their own limited existence. And with the COVID-19, the reality of life in this nation will become, that many in the other locations of this will recover from the Virus, and suddenly the South and Mid-West/and some Western States will grow ill. And watch how fast, the COVID-19 Virus will be called the Liberal/Progressive/Yankee Virus. The infection of ignorance in this nation creates its own disease called FEAR. FEAR survives because it eats away at the insecure and insane idea that something called the OTHER is out to get you and your GOD.
And by the way, the same states for whom this COVID-19 is denying them their RELIGIOUS LIBERTY, are the same states who demand that life is precious enough to deny all abortions, saving the lives of the zygote and the fetus, but refuse to concern themselves with the current lives of anyone out of the womb. So, be religious and deny abortions, be religious and permit a virus to spread, because no government is going to tell you how to live your life!