Trump “is presiding over the country’s response to an unanticipated, unprecedented pandemic of global proportions, and he is getting credit for his handling of the pandemic … In due time, he will preside over the great American comeback, which is more likely to be in the summer or fall, depending on the effectiveness of mitigation and relief efforts and the uncertain path of the virus itself.” Kellyanne Conway.
I had wondered where this shill and sham and shameful sinister person had been hiding during the TREMENDOUS AND PERFECT, sideshow acts, Trump provided America, while never dealing with the Coronavirus, but still campaigning for his 2020 re-election. The Mini-Me MAGA Rally was on full display, minus the minions in attendance, but the side-show freak acts were replaced with scientists, instead of the usual orange lipped ass lickers. Yup the Joker, Mike Pence was still around, waiting for his Master’s Command to sit, rollover, and play dead, and we even had the low hanging fruit, like Ben Carson/Alex Azar/ and whomever it was at the time to be Homeland Security Director, but the vilest of lying Americans were missing. But, she is back, back from her boiling cauldron, ready to deer, deflect and defend, a man who should be removed from office for his mental incapacity to do his job, Trump.
More dying, less government assistance, more dead less Army Corps of Engineers/FEMA/HHS Assistance. More suffering, less direct intervention by the guy with the title of Commander-In-Chief. But wait, there will be help along the way, not in ventilators/masks/PPE’s a monthly check for the newly unemployed, or those already on the Poverty line, or living below it. NO KELLYANNE CONWAY will be back to bolster the lies, the bull shit, the lack of empathy from Trump. And how many more body bags will it take before Americans demand Trump/Pence be removed from office. Are we just waiting for our own turn to die?