A Louisiana pastor who defied state orders against large gatherings amid the coronavirus pandemic has been placed under house arrest. Tony Spell, of Life Tabernacle Church in the city of Central, has been fitted with an ankle bracelet and placed under house after he would not promise to maintain social distancing, his attorney confirmed Sunday. Spell has admitted to violating Louisiana's mandate to avoid large gatherings by hosting church services. Spell still showed up to the church's Sunday service, where he was greeted with cheers, according to a livestream posted on Facebook. The pastor showed off his ankle monitor while standing in front of his congregation, claiming, "I'm not hiding anymore." "I'm not hiding anymore." "It's a dirty, rotten, crying shame when you have to hide in America," he said. (NBC News)
The hew and cry of "I'm not hiding anymore." "It's a dirty, rotten, crying shame when you have to hide in America," to me is the most alarming bit of news spewing from this Pastor, who has decided that NO LAW, but HIS own interpretation of his own relationship with HIS own particular Lord and Savior, is relevant, and all else becomes irreverent be it of need, necessity, or acknowledgment. For me, when any leader seemingly AASERTS, that HE and only HE knows the care and welfare of his insular society based solely on a selfish fanaticism with a hard dose of delusion of grandeur, no rational attempt to dissuade his destructive tendencies is available! And in this nation where the entire idea that we have always been a nation established on Christian principles, and SHOULD have declared this a Christian nation, is no longer a cautionary tale to unravel, but now, with QUARANTINE a long tedious, tiresome, issue in which to contend, battle lines are no longer just issued, but etched into our daily being. More and more the ignorance of science in favor of a religious dogma, a fictional belief that all will be well if you pray to the correct God, is the new normal. It might be fine to say, let them pray, let them share the virus, and let them suffer, they have asked to do so, but none of these Parishioners of a self-appointed spokesperson for Jesus, Pastor Tony Spell, live in a vacuum, and the COVID-19, along with these individuals does not want to hide in America either. The arrogance, of pastor Tony Spell, reeks of insidious, sycophantic malignant machinations. It has been proven that a cult leader enjoys playing victim, all the while acting as the protector for those too immature to own their own responsibilities. The state of Louisiana is in a dire predicament, perilously trying to find balance for the greater good, while one man and many others like him will become LOUD VOICES, desires to ONLY care for the lesser, pretending that is a GOOD thing also! And the warning shots, if not already fired, are once again echoing loud when Pastor Spell said, “My right to have church and to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ is endowed by my creator — not my district attorney, not my chief of police and not my Gov. John Bel Edwards,"