Today’s letter is C! C, as in CAPITALISM/CORPORATION/CORRUPTION, and c as in citizen! The Federal Reserve is beginning a program that will provide 100 billion of dollars as an emergency aid loan program for American Corporations involved in the Food Chain Supply System. Sounds reasonable, but unlike most other COVID -19 programs, this one COMES without any transparency or regulations on how the money will be used…(I.E. if the CORPORATION wishes to COMPENSATE its CEO or shareholders with the use of taxpayer money…instead of paying for its employee’s salaries, insurance, the security of employment, the CORPORATION can do so, and no one, from the Federal Reserve, will bat an eyelash. And to make CERTAIN, Secretary of Treasury Stevie ( I spend TaxPayers Dollars on my wife and I because I can and am a TRUMP SWAMP THING) Mnuchin, says there is nothing to worry about because this is CONSIDERED a loan, so the only CONSEQUENCE, the CORPORATIONS have to worry about is paying it back! UH-HUH!
The CORNONAVIRUS has laid CLAIM not only to the lives of American CITIZENS, but has easily demonstrated the priorities of a Republican Senate, whose intent is and always has been to protect and preserve the health and welfare of its Lobbyists/ Donors, and Pay to Play Bribe Masters the People born from the CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIAN Supreme COURT Activist judges, the CORPORATIONS! The COUNTRY is now opening up, and one has to ask, even with the 100 Billion Dollars given to the CORPORATIONS, where are the tests the tracking, the ventilators, the masks, the PPE’s. Rhetorical question, of course, but honestly, is there no CONSCIENCE when it COMES to CAPITALISM, isn’t that a whole lot like COMMUNISM?