Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Ever since, at least for me, when I first received the shocking news that, Trump/Pence formally was elected into office on November 9, 2016, and then formally elected by the Electoral College, on December 19, 2016, a strange malaise, began to follow me around, and soon attached itself to my gut, my psyche, and all of the flesh and blood, and anatomy between. I could not grasp how someone like Trump, let alone Pence, be considered intelligent, trustworthy, legitimate, and empathetic human beings to lead this nation. Then truth began seeping through the papier-mâché pinata, and day by day, I realized just how insidious, sinister, and dangerous, those who hated democracy could be, and just how plain stupid and fearful many Americans, had become and how much hate for justice and freedom flowed through their veins, in the form of Bigotry, Racism, and all of other ISM’s and Phobias. And from the moment I discovered the crimes and coverup I grew sicker and angrier, and ill. I had no idea what to call all of that, for I had never EVER felt this way in my life. But, as these days of Double Speak, Do Nothing, Blame Everyone Else, and Hypocrisy grow heavier and heavier, and the prevalent odor of sulfur gases like that of rising magma, fill my nostril, as one might sense with a coming volcanic explosion, I have discovered a name for my feeling of disillusionment and deepening depression. MORAL INJURY! 

Moral injury refers to an injury to an individual's moral conscience and values resulting from an act of perceived moral transgression, which produces profound emotional guilt and shame, and in some cases also a sense of betrayal, anger, and profound "moral disorientation". What causes moral injury? There is no predictable set of causes, but there are experiences that create a risk for moral injury. They involve high stakes situations, such as life and death, a high risk for failure, no clear right, and wrong choices, and harm done. 

We as a nation, now witness wealthy Conservative Political Action Groups, funded by even wealthier Conservative Families, whose main concern is their profits, their complete control of governing this nation, their disregard for checks and balances, and their double standard on morals and values, as long as THEY are rewarded, with the greed and gluttony, the grimy fool’s gold, of Capitalistic crap, and corruption which PROVIDES A CONTINUOUS AND CONTEMPTUOUS WE VS. THEY! And they have discovered an ideal puppet, a robot, if you will who cannot think beyond his own grifting ways, Trump. And now, for no other reason than the idea that reopening this nation, will re-elect Trump, we AGAIN, will place the lives of the FRONT-LINE workers, the innocent bystander at risk, and risk of death. I know have a name for my emotional state and is called MORAL INJURY!