Listening to the Paid to Protest Puppets, rant, and rave, that they would rather suffer the consequences of having COVID-19, then the loss of their freedom, to get a haircut, get fucking loaded drunk at their bar, eating ice cream at Baskin’s Robins, or just farting or burping in the middle of a crowded park; should send chills to each and every American with even the most modicum of an IQ. The PLOY by Trump has always worked since the days of “Lock Her Up,” “BENGHAZI, BENGHAZI,” PR PLOTS invented by slick sycophants, employed by a coalition of the 1%Domestic Terrorists (also tax dodgers to be exact,) a Cadre of so Called Christian leadership crapping on the Constitution’s divide between Church and State, and the egomaniacs at FOX, who know just how unintelligent they are in the real world, but almost Prophets in the Reality TV World, from which Trump was spawn, and the make-believe world more suited for BIGOTS, RACISTS, and GOOD NAZI’S, and the CITIZENS OF THE CONFEDERACY!
Most pretend freak shows are focused on states with Democrat Governors, in hopes that a rebellion will turn the voter from Blue to Red, but some protests have erupted in the very few Red states, where perhaps, those Governors have not eaten or drunk from the vile, vat of Fascism and Autocracy, served daily by Trump and his SWAMP Creatures. So, its LIBERATION, the new outcry, and it is becoming 2nd Amendment infused LIBERTY, these anti-social animals suddenly demand. (None of whom have either felt the ravages of the COVID-19, not have lost a loved one to the virus.) WHICH of course is always the way the Trump losers turn fact into fiction…if it hasn’t happened to me, it ain’t real! And in Denver, some stupid ass, woman who could barely fit her frame outside her open window had the nerve to scream at a nurse, that HE can go to work, so why can’t she! That alone should be rewarded with someone with the virus spitting on her!
Trump has no plan for getting this nation healthy again, so, he uses his only offense, which is to let the crazy, already suffering from insecurities, fear, and loathing, and letting them set the agenda. If THESE PAID to PROTEST people, plus the gaggle of goons who pray to the Gods at FOX, were the only ones to get the virus, suffer in pain and perhaps die, I could give a sit (just as they seem to give a shit about the rest of us,) but COVID-19 just laughs at the dumb and being such an inclusive disease, includes the sane, the smart, and the safe in its wake of destruction. AND, if the lack of response to stop these so-called FREEDOM/LIBERATORS, by Trump, and INDEED encouraging them to disrupt the welfare of this nation hasn’t pissed you off enough to demand he resign or be forced out of office by the 25th Amendment, then you too deserve the ravages that COVIID -19 is waiting to bestow!