- I got it! - Well, what is it? - A penny, a nickel... - You got hold yo' horses and let me get the dirt off!
A dime! We're in the money, We're in the money; We've got a lot of what it takes to get along! (We’re In the Money/Al Dubin) And after much A-DON'T, the stimulus checks are to arrive, but first with an additional delay, because a Re-Election Promotional Trick of Smoke and Mirrors must be added, and the stroking of an EGO, is also a necessary ingredient! Added to that is also the CON that, all that ever was (as in I did nothing, BEING PROACTIVE, in the month of February will be forgotten because a check LARGE enough for Trump’s signature, but too small to pay for maybe one week’s worth of essentials will keep us IN THE MONEY! Stevie Mnuchin (who is suffering from the Trump Twitch…always looking at trump then back t microphone before saying any word) and Trump as pompous and protruding from within his made in China Trump Suit, looking like a boil ready to burst, bragged that the economy will survive, and you the peasant will be pleased with your STIMULUS CHECK, like or NOT! But worry NOT America, because Trump will REOPEN THE ECONOMY, by May1, or maybe sooner, so as the song from 42nd Street goes, “We’re In The Money,” as long as you got a penny, a nickel or DIME, life is cool and you are set!
A dime! We're in the money, We're in the money; We've got a lot of what it takes to get along! (We’re In the Money/Al Dubin) And after much A-DON'T, the stimulus checks are to arrive, but first with an additional delay, because a Re-Election Promotional Trick of Smoke and Mirrors must be added, and the stroking of an EGO, is also a necessary ingredient! Added to that is also the CON that, all that ever was (as in I did nothing, BEING PROACTIVE, in the month of February will be forgotten because a check LARGE enough for Trump’s signature, but too small to pay for maybe one week’s worth of essentials will keep us IN THE MONEY! Stevie Mnuchin (who is suffering from the Trump Twitch…always looking at trump then back t microphone before saying any word) and Trump as pompous and protruding from within his made in China Trump Suit, looking like a boil ready to burst, bragged that the economy will survive, and you the peasant will be pleased with your STIMULUS CHECK, like or NOT! But worry NOT America, because Trump will REOPEN THE ECONOMY, by May1, or maybe sooner, so as the song from 42nd Street goes, “We’re In The Money,” as long as you got a penny, a nickel or DIME, life is cool and you are set!
And while all this government hubris is being sold on the market in its generic form as BULL SHIT and the hermetically sealed concept of the TRUTH, is still being concealed, have you wondered where four important Cabinet Members have bee hiding, or holding court, or just plain decided to forgo any allegiance to this nation? Most schools are closed, except for places where the GOP RED WAVE of infection is so prevalent, that common sense is no longer permitted) So where the FUCK is Betsy DeVos, the Education Secretary, using her department resources to help with distance learning? The Farmers are having to let their fresh produce just die on the vine, or lay to waste on the land, one might have hoped that Sonny Purdue, the Agricultural Secretary would have used his department’s budget and tried, along with Elaine Chao the Transportation Secretary and gotten those products to the Food Banks, the Low-Income Neighborhoods, and the hungry Homeless, via any method of transportation at the country’s disposal. And one might wonder, where the FUCK is Elaine Chao (maybe visiting one of the offshore banking accounts) and insisted on giving the airline workers, and the trucks, the appropriate PPE’s and safety equipment from something a simple as LYSOL to more high-grade chemicals to keep them healthy while doing their jobs. And of course, always the first to praise Trump, but last to anything associated with his job as HUD Secretary, Ben Carson, where is he and is budget, helping to ease the worries of the least economically empowered folk the people living in Title 8 housing, and those just high enough to keep to their heads out of the poverty flood, but barely breathing.
Of course, this IS ALL of Trump’s LACK OF CONCERN OR LEADERSHIP, but he has surrounded himself with co-conspirators who have left this nation in dire straits, doom and despair. The COVID-19 could give a shit about its victims, and each day, EVERY DAY it becomes more evident, NEITHER TRUMP or his SWAMP CREATURES give one shit EITHER!