Saturday, April 11, 2020


Fe-al-ty:  An oath of fealty, from the Latin fidelitas, is a pledge of allegiance of one person to another. a feudal tenant's or vassal's sworn loyalty to a lord. formal acknowledgment of loyalty to a lord. Synonyms  fidelity, allegiance, fealty, loyalty, devotion, piety mean faithfulness to something to which one is bound by pledge or duty. fidelity implies strict and continuing faithfulness to an obligation, trust, or duty. Fi-el-ty: The state of owing one's service (particularly of a soldier, warrior, knight, rider) to a king, queen, or other ruler. Illusory Superiority. ... In the field of social psychology, illusory superiority is a condition of cognitive bias wherein a person overestimates their own qualities and abilities, in relation to the same qualities and abilities of other people.

I have tried to discover the correct wording and or phrase, for me, to better understand, the why and how, of this phenomenal juxtaposition of an ignorant, self-serving person, sinister in intention insidious in action, and unphased, by any irresponsible decisions, to continue to run rampantly and ruin the lives of all he touches, and then torches! And then I realized in addition, that instead of a just a corrupt swamp, the success of Trump and his oh so self-absorbed providers of power is a Cabal of the Venality. Venality is a vice associated with being bribable, cruel, selfish, or of selling one's services or power, especially when people are intended to act in a decent way instead. Lots of lofty-sounding words! But my frustration in calling out the obvious, at least the very visible corrupt, malfeasance, malicious actions, seemingly only seen, by those whose head is still not up the anal cavity of Trump's ass, or the pollution of profits over people, with the desire for a Christian Dogma to usurp the Constitution, and the fearful faithful folly of those who bathe in bigotry, bias and bull shit; is to discover a reason, and then as one might find the core of a virus, discover the vaccination to overcome the disease.

THEY, whoever the THEY are anymore, tell us, Trump is becoming triumphant in pretending he is a War-Time President, and the flock of sheep desperate to pretend normalcy will ever return (and to be honest since Trump was hacked into office, what IS NORMALCY?) So, I worry that a man suffering from ILLUSIONARY SUPERIORITY, with his collection cult loving, self-hating faithful fools, full of FEALTY AND FIELTY may actually permit the chaos which will lead to the culmination of severe consequences for all of us to be the final victor after all!