Algebra was impossible for me to understand, and somehow I passed that course to only find myself in a Geometry Class. Not only was I lost the very first day of Geometry Class, but I just happened to be sitting in the classroom of a teacher who was known as Mr V, and he had this little game he would play called the sweat test. We had to do Proof’s standing at the chalk board. For me looking at a Proof was as if I had sat down to read War and Peace written in Chinese. I saw numbers and letters but had absolutely no idea of what they meant nor the purpose they proposed. Mr V would often times call a student to the board who understood Geometry, he would ask that person to place one hand on the chalk board as he or she began to work on a Proof. The smart kids had very little trouble in solving the problem, leaving perhaps a teeny tiny thumb print on the board. Then Mr V, would look at his roster of other students and immediately call one of us who did not need to be standing at the board to sweat, because we were already shitting in our pants at our desks. Nonetheless, we would be selected to place our one hand on the board with Mr V adding injury to insult, lets see if YOU can solve this Proof as easily as the person before you. I of course had many a wonderful 20 minutes of sweaty hand prints on the board. At times the sweat was so thick I felt it drip down my arm to my shirt. The only thing I could ever think of to EVEN attempt to solve the problem was to use the Givens, listed. This of course went over like a lead balloon (which at the time I often wished would just fall on my head and kill me)…My hand on the board, drip, dropping like a tsunami, Mr V would, with great delight, tell me its a Given, we already know that, is that all you can do.
It is not Geometry Class, more like an S&M side show, but watching Trump say and do whatever he so desires surrounded by the real unelected folks telling the Emperor is looking good, is a Given. the facts are very clear, we KNOW he is incompetent/narcissistic/suffers from most likely a variety of mental illnesses and yet WE yell and scream at this lunatic as if HE cares. As Mr V, would tell me and the other less fortunate Geometry savvy students, “we already know that, is that all you can do.” Well there IS, and if the citizens and maybe the hapless Dems understood how to solve this Proof we might not sweat so much.
Trump will only be Emperor as long as his GOP Comrades tell him he looks good while parading his ass off. The GOP are the enablers, they are the ones who are permitting Trump to continue. Somehow the greedy and treasonous GOP believe that as long as they make America Christian, give more money to the billionaires and of course stack the Supreme Court with Right Wing activists judges, they will rule. We must insert ourselves into their lives, their districts, their states. They are the week link, not Trump, his Ivory Tower built with Gold is too remote. We must not let the Republican Communist Party off the hook EVER…now that is a Given!