As of August 26, 2016, Sheldon Adelson was listed by Forbes as having a fortune of US $32 billion. He is a major contributor to Republican Party candidates. He has been one of the largest donors in any Party in both the 2012 and 2016 presidential campaigns. He was the largest donor to Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign with a total of $125 million. Sheldon Adelson, like Trumps’s daughter and Trump’s son-in-law, is a Jewish American. Like Jared and Ivanka Kushner, Sheldon Adelson is a great advocate for the State of Israel. Like, the Kushner’s, Sheldon Adelson loves the Jews in Israel, but seems to be silent when it comes to the Jews living in the United States. I suppose, just like the Kushner’s who seem preoccupied with bottom-lines, profit margins and back room deals, Sheldon Adelson considers the blood flowing in his veins laced with gold. For Fascists and Nazi’s all Jewish blood was the same, and bleeding the Jews of that blood the goal to produce a better race.
I have given up on the Jared Kushner’s EVER proclaiming their identity with the Jews of America; and imagine if they truly cared, having all that Trump access… And it seems with HIS silence, Sheldon Adelson, the man who made every single Republican presidential candidate kiss his self anointed ring, including Trump; having donated $125 million for Trump, one might think that Sheldon could and should carry a whole lot of leverage. And yet, Steve Bannon is permitted to be the de-facto president/JCC’s receive continuous harassment/and the Trump Administration never mentions the Jews in his Holocaust Remembrance speech, and the Trump Administration remains SILENT regarding this latest bout of anti-Semitism on the rise with the election of Trump.
I am a man, who among the many attributes in my life is Jewish. I am repulsed by the Kushner’s/Adelson’s and the other Jewish people of wealth and access for their SILENCE. I am angry that the Rabbi’s of the various souls that the Kushner's and Adelson’s belong are also SILENT. I am pissed that the Congregants of the souls in which the Kushner’s and Adelson’s are members remain SILENT. I am most befuddled that history is repeating itself, in this nation and that Jewish families living in their Ivory Towers forgot that the Jews of Berlin and Rome, felt the same way, until they were slaughtered!