I have singed at least two dozen petitions/called at least a dozen Congressional Offices/ thinking at the time, perhaps the average citizen can make a difference…what I didn’t do, NOT EVEN ONCE is write a check to any politician, worth $1million dollars. I am a person, but not a Corporation type of Person, my rights are dictated by Republicans who insist they regulate almost everything I do…I am not a Corporation Person, in which the Republicans provide free reign permitting THEM to do ANYTHING they so desire. I breathe oxygen, but if I bled money someone might pay better attention to me.
We ARE in a crisis, no, it is not down the road, it is NOW. Trump has broken a dozen laws, and I don’t want to hear about just wait till the next one, cause that will be it. IT should be right now. The Republicans lie and cheat as much as Trump. Trump is like that alcoholic family member, you know the one you wish would become clean and sober, but in the mean time you treat to bottomless mimosa’s every night; the Republicans are his enablers. The Republicans could stop this nonsense, but then that would make too much sense. And besides they thrive on dirty tricks/unethical behavior/ and know that fair and equal are poison to their party’s brand.
I am not sure what is next, aside from this country of mine being directed off the track to crash into the side of a mountain. I have to wonder, just how much loathing you must have for this nation, if in fact you are a registered Republican and have not insisted that YOUR Party begin to act more American and less Russian!