Friday, February 10, 2017

Once Again

Holy Cow, kids, the first shot has been fired by the Republicans against one of their biggest fears, Elizabeth Warren. Yep, the Mastermind McConnell, is so good at understanding why people hate the Republicans, and he certainly is smart enough to understand that Elizabeth Warren IS and will become the reason WHY Democrats might be motivated to vote. He is my perspective on how the devious droids of the GOP function. They are like coyotes, they first circle around possible prey. The coyotes identify the leader and tire out that bit of prey early on. SO, in case you are not aware, the first blow toward Senator Warren, was her being Censored in the Senate. With the GOP they need to reason, but they spin a rhyme almost as good as Dr Seuss, so if you listened closely to the robots who only feed when they are paid off, the muttering, aside from SHE didn’t listen, because SHE is getting ready to run in 2020.

Don’t believe me yet. Try this one on kiddies. The GOP started early on hacking, attacking and laying innuendo regarding anything Clinton. Comrade McConnell is too sophisticated of a ploy for his wealthy benefactors to not notice the GOP’s success, you know the early bird gets the worm, and the earlier these anarchists begin, the more pressure and of course lies they can spin at/toward/and in the facer of Elizabeth Warren. Watch closely how almost every paid and bought for Republican will either end his/her interview saying the words Elizabeth Warren, or if she wasn’t so fixated on running for President in 2020 she would do the people’s business.

COME ON Dems, learn a lesson or two. Get a backbone a spine, no better yet an evil Play Book…Plot and Scheme like the Republicans are already doing. None of them will provide checks and balances on Trump, we know that, stop fighting them on it…begin to attack call out the potential wounded prey, like the Republicans who actually have to worry about smart people not voting for them. It IS so easy. My goodness, we had 8 years of the Con from McConnell, DID WE NOT learn anything!