Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Julie Chaffetz, Again

As most people, who care about the future of this nation, know, Jason Chaffetz is the Chairmen of the GOP House of Representatives Witch Hunt Committee, which hunted everything Hillary/anything Benghazi and to date nothing Trump. Jason is an arrogant Republican, the kind of politician who until recently assumed that gerrymandered districts/ uneducated religious voters who either subscribe to FOX or Breibart news/burning copies of the Constitution, the parts he disagrees with/ is and was all that is necessary for him to become one more reason why term limitations should become the law of the land. Mr Chaffetz is a cocky character, with a well rehearsed snark, and sinister smile, his shit never stinks, because he says so and so far his constituents have agreed. Thinking the coast was clear Mr Chaffetz, held a Town Hall meeting/ similar to the ONES held in the hey days of WE HATE ANYTHING OBAMA, when at that time, the paid for protestors pretending to be Tea Party members (but actually Koch Brother employees), always showed up shouting in Chaffetz’s favor. But now with no thanks from the DNC or any of those other Democrat Organizations always begging for one more dollar so this time FER SUR, they can defeat the GOP, Mr Chaffetz had a large surprise. People wanted to hold him accountable for his repeal of ObamaCare and not doing anything to investigate Trumps budding relationship with Putin. Of course Chaffetz the coward he is, complained that the protestors were mean and were wasting his time. Yeah, like all of the other Republicans who finally got a taste of their own DEATH PANEL protestors.

But during Coward Chaffetz’s town Hall, a young girl, perhaps 8, took to the microphone, and asked a simple question of His Majesty: “Do you believe in science.” The young girl asked because Coward Chaffetz wants to support cuts to the EPA/insists that Solar power is killing crops and farm animals. Coward Chaffetz, could not look this young girl in the eye without lying…so he responded that well, huh, maybe…you know coal can be clean. Then the Coward ran off the stage, complaining about all the paid to protest Protesters. (I hope that 8 year old girl has a 1099 Form.

So now, Julie Chaffetz (Mrs Jason Chaffetz), I am asking you some questions, again: Does your husband Jason tell your kids, Kate, Max, Ellis that science is kind of sorta like magic…does he not worry for your children that the air they breathe, the water they drink will be so poisonous that when they are teenagers they might have to live underground…So, Julie Chaffetz, does your children’s father look them in the eyes as he did with THIS 8 year old (Paid Protestor) and tell Kate, Max, Ellis, Coal is neat, it is clean it is the future of clean energy…Or Julie Chaffetz doe you husband just admit the truth, that as long as People who are Corporations keep on bribing him, he will say and do what please them…even if it might kill his kids?