Monday, February 20, 2017

Shadow Man

Senator Joseph McCarthy understood the intricacies of Fascism and used his knowledge of stifling the truth, presenting fake facts in a proactive method, and realized the beauty of denying freedom of speech, of course all under the guise of “Are You Now, Or Have You Ever Been a Communist”. McCarthy was a master of inciting fear, using that fear to scapegoat an enemy, and like a Vampire needing blood to survive, McCarthy thrived on the paranoia of the self loathing American, who always felt much better when someone else, someone DIFFERENT ended up on the lower rung of the ladder, permitting the real loser to think he or she was the champ…and not the chump! Senator McCarthy was good at manipulating and skewing the democratic process, but for good measure he had at his co-conspirator, an even more loathe some sinister sidekick, named Roy Cohn. Roy Cohn was a closeted homosexual and also a Jew. Roy Cohn found no difficulty in attacking other homosexuals and found great joy in connecting some imaginary dots stating that most liberal Jews DID indeed have connections to the Communist Party. Hating all you are, all you have become is a disease that not only infects your own well being, but it attacks those around you with great vengeance and venom.

No need for me to rant or rave about our newest foray into Fascism, denial of the freedom of speech or an independent and free press or the fact that FACTS no longer matter. We ALL understand that Trump has found the playbook of McCarthy with a slight change of course not asking the question “Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been A Communist, but replacing that statement, with “Why Aren’t You A Communist.” But as history always manages to do it has repeated itself once more even to the part where a new Roy Cohn has emerged, this time with the name of Stephen Miller. I have no idea if Stephen Miller is a closeted homosexual or not, but Stephen Miller is the grandson of Jewish immigrants, who left their native homeland of Russia  so they might not perish during the era of the Pogroms and or the Nazi’s extermination of the Jews.

Like Roy Cohn, Stephen Miller could care less of his own background or family history, and like Roy Cohn, Stephen Miller a seemingly self loathing individual, needs to identify the OTHER, as the enemy because being insecure, you always want to victimize someone else. Roy Cohn was a brash, bigoted mouthpiece for McCarthy, Stephen Miller exudes xenophobia fears the democratic process and seems sophisticated enough to place a curse on the OTHER without using facts, just fiction…in a prose sounding so God Bless America, that to argue with Stephen Miller, you might sound like YOU are the anarchist. I write this because of course we must fear anything Trump…but it is the boggy men who stand behind Trump who honestly are the people we MUST acknowledge with the real power. Be afraid of ANYTHING and ANYONE TRUMP!