Once you begin debating a lie, you begin to legitimize, it and IT becomes a thing. The Republican’s have known this for decades and have used this theory to make the most absurd, the most alternatives toward the truth. It infuriates the educated brain, it short circuits the synapses cause high blood pressure and eventually babbling of words which always come across as accusatory; thus permitting the Republican’s to emote into the ever ready camera and become the victim. Stupid is a very difficult language to speak, if for any reason you were raised in a home with compassion/education/and frankness. Unless you understand that stupid relies on scapegoating, fear, loathing both self and for others, you can NEVER, EVER have any kind of meaningful communication with those who only speak the STUPID. One might imagine, after eight years of Bush/Cheney…after eight years of bashing anything OBAMA, the Dems would have taken sincere lessons in the art of DUMB. The Dems had more than enough time to learn from the masters, but nope, the Dems love wearing the sign on their backs, Kick me, no kicks me again, oh yeah, kick me one more time!
What ever the reasons (from juicy blackmail on the Republican Leadership, by the Russians…audio and video of Trump being Trump…to a real disdain for democracy by the Republicans), The GOP prevails, and to the man and woman, no one from that Party is willing to call out the derisive, destructive, deviant actions of Trump and even worse the shadow President, Steve Bannon. Each day, STUPID is spoken, STUPID is praised, and STUPID becomes a new normal for this nation and of course the lemmings who love the lie.
Shouldn’t those of us who understand the value of SMART, become SMART enough to speak STUPID. The masses don’t want to hear reason nor rhyme, why bother than to try and educated them. Instead use the same tactics loved and enjoyed by the GOP slimy, sinister, smarmy and of course STUPID.