Tokyo Rose, was a generic name given by Allied troops in the South Pacific during World War II to what they believed were multiple English-speaking female broadcasters of Japanese Propaganda The broadcasts were aimed at Allied forces in the Pacific, with the intention of demoralization”. She often undermined the anti-American scripts by reading them in a playful, tongue-in-cheek fashion, even going as far as to warn her listeners to expect a “subtle attack” on their morale.” (Wikipedia).
Demoralization, demonizing, and establishing doubt, have been tried but true standards in the determination of establishing a dictatorial government, based on nothing but the fear factor, an emptiness of hope, paranoia, and of course alternative facts. History, we know can repeat itself, the wise among us, understand permitting a repeat of an avoidable disaster, is the best way forward, but more often than not we close our eyes, hold our ears, and let the negatives of history, run rampant, any way. Tokyo Rose, has found her footing once again, not necessarily as an invention of a foreign enemy, but by a current American Administration, hell bent on destroying the fabric of this nation in favor of a new kind of bigoted, biased fascist style Republic. In 2017,Kelly Anne Conway, has become the new improved, more dangerous, cunning, devious Tokyo Rose, enjoying her role helping this nation to implode upon itself. She lies, blames, denies, accuses, always finding foes, preferring fiction to fact, and insists that those who have the audacity to question her red, white and blue motives are the true enemy!
We had learned from Tokyo Rose that trying to argue against her was futile. The more you argue with anarchists/traitors/empty vessels the more frustrating it becomes. These antagonists love becoming the victim and truth is never found. Perhaps when out newest iteration of Tokyo Rose, lets call her Moscow Kelly Anne, provides alternative facts, each news network, should permit her to speak, never engage her in a debate. But then, for example when Moscow Kelly Anne says the media is disparaging Trump, the so called reporter plays a few tapes of Trump asking for Obama’s birth certificate. Whenever Moscow Kelly Anne frets and frowns because poor Trump is disrespected, let Moscow Kelly Anne speak, then always provide a tape of someone Trump or Republican saying the same thing about the Obama’s. Easy!