Tuesday, February 7, 2017


And another one bites the dust, the Department of Education is no longer a viable outlet for intelligence, progress, freedom or EDUCATION. A person whose only credentials include writing large amount of checks, bribing politicians, and of course being so wealthy that she only has to travel in her golden, gilded bubble, has become yet one more inappropriate, inarticulate, standard bearer for an administration so inept, and unable to find value or substance.

Betsy DeVos joins the Cabinet. She is confirmed to become yet one more reason why, if you are still a Republican voter, you need to spend a long time looking in the mirror asking yourself,WHY! If you have kids, grandkids, if anyone in your family or group of friends have children, you need to apologize for your attack on the public school system in this nation. This is NO longer about just how much YOU may have hated the black man in the White House…NOPE, this is NOW about, just how much you HATE the United States of America. Betsy DeVos, an advocate for good Christian schools without the useless kids with disabilities screwing up a good Bible study class, joins the ranks of men who pretend coal is clean/public housing should become a for profit business/the Russians may be our enemy but there is lots of money to be made by drilling in the arctic/and yes of course that Females have absolutely NO rights to their own reproductive lady parts!

YOU, Republican voter are not alone to blame for the emanate decline in education/environment/equal rights…NO, along with your own failure to find fact about Trump, you join the Republican politicians who either are too afraid of Putin and his pages upon pages of dirty tricks performed by the GOP, or the Republicans who understand that the only way they can ever be in power is to dismantle the democratic process in its entirety. This is JUST one more pathetic day in the history of a once great nation, which, if you the Republican voter do not take heed, will help lead us to evolve into a third world country run by a Banana Republic narcissist, lacking any conscience but full of vindictiveness, pettiness and spite!