As an American, who happens to be Jewish, it is not only the silence from Trump and of course is Jewish daughter and son-in-law that is appalling. As an American who happens to be Jewish, it is not only the silence from Sheldon Adelson, whose $125 million helped Trump along with the Russians make it to the White House that is appalling. As an American, who happens to be Jewish, it is not only the silence from Rabbi Marvin Heir, the Rabbi who spoke at the inauguration of Trump stating that “refusing to do so would cause ill will toward Jews” that is appalling. As an American who happens to be Jewish, the SILENCE from the Republican Congress, the sheer quiet of saying nothing publicly, because if they do, they fear antagonizing their “this is our Christian Nation voters.
As an American who happens to be Jewish, Gay, a Father of a son and daughter, a husband, a brother, a nephew…I find it appalling that Trump is still enabled to remain in the White House, nary a word of recourse from the Republicans to wonder about his connections with both the Russians and members of White Nationalistic groups. As AN AMERICAN, one of the most appalling things is that WE are at a time and place in this nation where we all have to wonder who this narcissistic, unbalanced, cry baby will select as the next enemy of the state! Silence Equals Death!