Sunday, July 23, 2017

Art of the Schtoop

Comrade Mitch McConnell is both a schtoop-er and a schtoop-ee. Schtoop is a Yiddish word to describe stuffing. However, if you should come across a bunch of older jewish women wise beyond their ages, sitting around sipping one too many peach schnapps or way to much Manischewitz Blackberry wine, they will inform you of the true meaning of the word schtoop as it relates to sex. You can determine if the Non PC definition of two people having sex and penetration is the ultimate result or the PC version of the word stuff, is sufficient in describing Comrade Mitch McConnell and his Un-American behavior. McConnell is the schtoop-ee, receiving vast Lobbyist money from the Pharmaceutical Industry as well as the billionaire stock holders of Health Insurance Companies, why else but being stuffed with money would a man or woman plan pre-meditated murder on millions of Americans by denying them affordable health care. McConnell is the schtoop-er as he rams though legislation to the average American denying them health, happiness and the pursuit of happiness. He loves to stuff down our throats his version or is IT his puppet masters from Putin to the 1% of wealth owners, version of inequality in living standards, health standards, wage standards, and even standards of apple pie and a picket fence. Comrade McConnell is a treasonous anarchist who prides himself of the greed, gluttony and gore that unbridled, unrestricted Capitalism provides.

Next week, once again Comrade McConnell is ready to schtoop it to the American public along with his hacked into office and gerrymandered into office Republican majority of Senators who have decided that affordable health care for the masses is so yesterday, and the that a slow costly death is more of the American way. The GOP is never elected by real people, just the group of people created by an activist Supreme Court, deciding that Corporations are people. And honestly the Corporations as people have little need for health care. The CEO’s the CFO’s The COO’s will receive their tax breaks and have tone of money to spend on their health and welfare. Oh yeah and the Senators and their staff and families well they will still rely on Socialized medicine and keep that awful ObamaCare, that the black president had the audacity to insist was the American way.

So, you voted Republican because they along with Trump were going to Make Americas Great Again. Let me see, you have a pre-existing condition/are on Medicaid (and who knows what will happen to Medicare)/your older children need your medical coverage to keep them healthy/you see a doctor more now then ever…let me see Trump/GOP voters how well you all are doing when and if McConnell and his pre -meditated murders vote for TrumpCare, or even better repeals Obama Care and replaces it with…ummmm death!