If in time this TOO does pass (and for me right now that IF, IS a big concern), but if cooler heads prevail, smarter people become responsible and the fallacy which is the Evangelical Christian philosophy that as long as you hate certain minorities all is GOD and good in America exits, along with the Republican mantra less government is good government as long as the wealthy don’t pay taxes and the politicians do what ever they want…how will all of us answer the question of HOW did the Trump Nightmare happen, WHY did Fascism even feel it could take root in America, WHAT went wrong with democracy, and WHO did anything to try and stop the entire mess to begin with?
When I read the history books of nations overrun by dictators, armies purging freedoms and equality, I always wonder why the oppressed permitted themselves to become the sheep, the lemmings, the rats following a Pied Piper only to fall off a cliff. WHEN was the time to say enough, before there wasn’t ENOUGH time to stop the madness? COULD any of the devastation to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness ever ben stopped? COULD the self-serving politicians been diverted from their evil schemes? WAS it lack of motivation, a sense that just wait till tomorrow it will dissipate by the public? HOW COME, we all can spot disaster looming, but prefer to keep our heads in the sand?
WILL we be able to hold accountable the atrocious behavior or policy makers like McConnell, Chaffetz, Gowdy, Ryan, the lack of effort by Schumer, Durbin, to imitate any offense…WILL the bad guys like anyone Trump or Kushner EVER be held accountable…but an even sadder question is WHAT DID WE REALLY DO as our world was collapsing around us. If in time this too does pass, how do we become whole again…or don’t we EVER?