I was away, made promises to Joe that I would try my best to ignore the cataclysm, apocalypse and End Days surrounding ALL of us (Except for those still wondering about Hillary’s emails), and write Posts of more important things like HAPPY! I did, it was a struggle and since I am a news addict I must now stand in front of the world and announce I am Gerry Buncher a News Junkie and as best as I recall I had a 12 day period of tiny tiny tidbits of news, but I relapsed…
I missed choking on the three or four versions of Donnie Junior lying then proudly not lying only to lie again and finally letting that squishy like thing you just stepped on, which hangs on your shoe, never knowing if it is vomit, road kill left overs, or dog diarrhea, Kelly Anne super max the lie.I also missed the chance the Republicans had to finally become Americans again by being outraged that one more Trump Thing colluded with the Russians, and INSISTING Comrade Junior be investigated. I missed screaming at the TV as Teddy (The Prophet) Cruz decided that since he was a prophet (after all Jesus visited Cruz’s wife and father whispering that Teddy was the anointed one to become the next Messiah, I mean President…or maybe he visited Mrs Cruz to gain some insider trading tips from Goldman Sachs), Cruz insisted via his amendment, the Congress should NOT lose their horrendous, destructive, Socialist, anti Life ObamaCare, as would the mere mortal citizens of the US. I did feel sorry for The Maverick McCain,(No one should have to fight the scourge of Cancer again and again), especially if they do not have affordable health care NOT limiting any pre-existing conditions. Seems with out Affordable health coverage, the Maverick’s bill would be close to $72,000. But he is part of the political royalty so the rest of us who are told to just eat cake (as in too expensive medical insurance or no insurance), will pay any remainder of the bill.
There is as much snark, as much sarcasm, as much shit NOW as there was before my Sabbatical into the land of dreams/hope/and of course HAPPY…But I let it slide because of the magic of a town where people act as a village, and do say hello, and when they ask how are you, actually are not satisfied with an answer where you hardly move your lips to respond. This IS my country and the minority of between 32% to some imaginary 40% of insecure, self-loathing, heathens who will buy swampland in Florida over and over again WILL no longer deny me MY freedoms. Isn’t time we ALL rise up and shout no more, no longer, not in MY country? Isn’t it!!!!