Tuesday, July 25, 2017


A Better Deal…really, A Better Deal, lots of pomp circumstance, angry faces by men in rolled up long sleeve shirts (makes them look like they have been sweating to get this A Better Deal thingie in shape…women in casual attire minus all of the fancy jewelry (gives them that Middle America we too shop at the mall appearance)…We’ll show you America, we have your interests at heart…We are the Dems…you know, the Party that has not made a single move to protect this nation from continued hacking, and hacking that MOST likely will seep into the dark recesses of the 2018 election…We are the dems who permitted Jarod Kushner to speak in a private session NOT UNDER OATH…We are the Dems, the ones who play by the rules and love to TALK shit about the GOP, but still permit them to get away with murder (and in the case of the health Care Bill, Pre-Meditated Murder…

Come on Senator Schumer, please CongressWoman Pelosi, do better then this whole PR trick called A Better Deal…spend the money on your marketing for A Better Deal on making sure all voting places are safer from the Russians and McConnell’s tricks…get the local Congress People on TV in their own districts screaming about health care, female rights, jobs…push an agenda on a law that from this point forward the job of President of the USA is not a given but a privilege, (for God’s sake Dems, in some states it is very clear that even driving is not a right but a privilege)…spend your time on writing into law that if you want to become president show us your taxes, show us your contacts, sho us your physical and mental health reports (not on a scribbled piece of paper but a legal document)…A Better Deal, just like everything you do half assed, Dems, you will pontificate, chastise, debate…but never EVER seem to to get things done.

I am a life long Liberal/Progressive/Democrat, and in my life I have witnessed too many political leaders of my Party just sport BS….DO SOMETHING already!