Images of red and white with touches of blue will float freely on our televisions. Men and women in uniform will be witnessed standing with valor. Of course a hint of apple pie, perhaps baseball and a few picket fences will highlight the breezy blue skies, and the golden grains of sand which flow freely in a nation once known for freedom. I am sure the guy the Russians elected will Tweet, pretending that under his dictatorship, oops, I mean regime, oops again, his administration all is well on that city on the hill. Or he will will Tweet that if not for something he did over 200 years ago, we would not be celebrating the Fourth of July! And for many who have never studied American History, or for those whose school districts mainly rely on the Old or New Testament’s for factual historical relevance, or those who think the entire Constitution was a Liberal Atheist plot or re-written propaganda, many will believe that God, (not any God mind you, but Jesus, and not any Jesus mind you but the guy who talked Ted Cruze, Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich to run for president) and Trump are the real reasons we can continue to live in a nation carrying our AK-47’s GLOCKS, anti aircraft bombs on our shoulders, oops I meant muskets. For many this holiday is just a reminder that our Founding Fathers (the ladies of course were just for that baby making thing) founded this country as a Christian nation, (again, not any kind of Christian nation but the kind of hate filled Christian nation where if you pay to pray to the likes of Jerry Falwell Jr, Pat Robertson, Joel Osteen, and the venerable Communist sympathizer Franklin Graham) you will be saved.
Flags will waved to honor the history of this nation, but among those flags will be a special kind of Patriot they of course will sing God Bless America but their God is blessing that part of America which waged war, the South, Their red, whit and blue flags will have stars and bars. Or the ESPECIALLY proud patriot Americans will wave ye another kind of flag, the red and white will be seen but the added color of black with a swastika for good measure, will fly high as these patriots throw in a good Seig Heil! These patriots will tell you that not only was this nation a Christian nation but a pure white country, a place where the superior race could, again, under the guise of Jesus, enjoy the fruits of slavery, and the destruction of any other race daring to call themselves Americans.
I among my many virtues happen to be an American. I grew up in the 50’s and we were Right with Ike, we were the Superior nation, we did in deed promise prosperity for everyone, except FOR the not so nice loose ladies…light in loafer's men…sinister women…the Help, (aka) The Colored…Juan and Juanita…the money lenders’ (aka the Jews)…and so many more who were never really listed in the Constitution as having any rights. I among my many virtues am still an American, and I believe in this nation, and I am PISSED as hell the Republican Majority in Congress and those Republicans who voted them into power somehow think all is well. I will Pledge Allegiance, sing the National Anthem because i believe all men and women are created equal…but i know the people in power, on this July 4, 2017 could care less!