NOPE, sorry for all of the people out there in the Internet world, friends, family acquaintances, John McCain was no great spokesman, no hero, but a simple fraud of a man who had the ability to change the minds of those hypocrites who gave him a rousing standing ovation on the Senate floor. All John McCain did was lie, he was the most vocal of republicans anti anything Obama (that John is called Partisanship) McCain thought Obama was a coward unable to fight Putin, yet McCain has done nothing but pontificate in front of the camera regarding the Russian take over of Trump and company. McCain has socialized medicine and uses it as he deems necessary, no one gets to debate McCain’s health. So, STOP with the how brave of a man McCain was, STOP with the words that McCain is bipartisan. STOP already cause John McCain is a phony, he had the opportunity to make a difference, yet he choose to pretend to be an elder statesman and spoke bull shit.
If I was the speech writer fro McCain here is the speech I would write:
I have the scourge of Cancer, and I can come to the Senate floor and say thank goodness I have ObamaCare, as do we all. Because of the benefits ObamaCare affords me, I am able to join all of you and humbly cast my vote. Why should I, WE, be treated any different, regarding our health, welfare and pursuit if happiness then our constituents? Thanks good no wasted time to debate my health and my future, as if they did, God only knows if I would have been made healthy enough to travel to Washington DC. Lets not waste time on this political game and continue providing ALL Americans the same health insurance as all of us and our families are privy to. Thank you!