The fears, phobia’s, insecurities and insincerities, Trump suffers are no longer a bad joke that was never funny in the first place. He suffers a vast amount of hate based on the fiction dancing and drifting through his mind. Because We The People, seem to have no right as to the physical or mental well being of those running for president, we then become a part of the folly and frenetic machinations of sick people. Somehow, the people in power justify that if he is president, we really are not privy to anything personal in his life. Trump or any president is no longer a Private Citizen, yet the American public is constantly reminded DO NOT TRESPASS.
Trump is fearful that anything Obama will supersede his lack of ideas or ideals, so he demeans and demands that anything with the name Obama attached to it or any idea conceived by Obama be eradicated, eliminated. People may die, but Trump can not have them live under something as insulting to his ego as Obama Care. Transgendered and for the matter the rest of the LGBQ community scare the shit out of Trump because they embrace their sexuality and don’t need to be reminded just how masculine or feminine they are or are not. Trump is so unsure of the definition of his own maleness he wants to punish those brave enough to state gender has no qualifications. He is frightened by women, his sense of being emasculated by a strong female is over powering, so he will continue to treat them as powerless chattel, try to be on the offense so no women can challenge his set of or lack of balls.
Trump actually avoids looking in the mirror afraid of his own reflection, so he hires and fires surrogates, individuals who's own shallow egos are on the edge of cracking. Tell me the following he demands, word for word say to me what I tell you to compliment me. He thinks that if a female is on his arm is a 10, then of course he is a 20. He recites odes of self aggrandizement, thinking that if he says it loud or bold enough, then facts won’t matter just the words. Trump’s love is self and the one child, Ivanka who, sadly Trumps spoons for. Each new day we find his failures bulging giggly like a hernia ready to rupture. We scoff, we giggle, but we DO NOTHING at all to stop it. Trump is no longer that disruptive cough we have and avoid, he is that full blown malignant tumor in our lungs we tried to ignore, but suddenly it is smothering us, killing slowly but surely!