“Like a Hobo on a Ham Sandwich”, yep just like that, without any inkling as to what is or isn’t in the Republican Health Care Bill, Louisiana Senator John Neely Kennedy is mighty ready to vote. Why Hell, he knows Trump is making America Great Again…it don’t matter no how, if three fourths of his state, will not only die from environmental issues, poverty and now lack of affordable health care… nope that black man err we mean Obama was a socialist…don’t darn matter if the Communists are in control of the government, Putin is strong and wants Trump to be just as strong. Gosh, dang darn, Senator Kennedy with that adorable southern drawl is doing Amerika a favor, we need to be able to choose in this here nation..except of course ladies and their reproductive rights, those transgendered queers and of course the original queers the homosexuals…This man, Senator John Neely Kennedy of Louisiana without caring what is in the Republican Repeal and Replace Bill is voting for it cause Trump by God has ben chosen by God to be president. Not my words, Senator Kennedy has stated various times Trump is our savior. Do I hear an Amen for this idiot, who has the power to make people die!