Friday, July 21, 2017

Here we go

Here we go again, America…taking a bad person and making him a hero, a star a true American…as in Jeff Sessions the Attorney General who lied  during his Senate confirmation hearings, who has ties to Russian money lenders, and who speaks to Racist/Bigoted groups on the side, thinking that as a public figure he does not have to be transparent. Now, because Sessions did one thing within the jurisdiction of the Constitution by recusing himself from the Trump-Russia investigation, and because he did the right thing (God only knows why he did), Trump is now dissing his hand picked Attorney General. so suddenly this man is a good American. Why even some of the Democrat Senators who knew from the very beginning how much of a con man/liar/hypocrite, who did not vote for his appointment are now singing the praised of a dedicated public servant. Bull Shit!

This reminds me of some cities who make some celebrity Grand Marshall of the Pride Parade, well, well, because they risked their heterosexuality reputation by playing a Gay person on TV or film. It like pretending that Caitlyn Jenner is the spokes person for all of those individuals living a closeted life in small towns wishing they too could transition. Its like thinking that Ivanka Kushner’s products made in any county but the USA are different than other mega-corporations as Trump insists Made In America. This Bull Shit, of sudden adoration for Jeff Sessions, who so far has only done the one legitimate thing as Attorney General by recusing himself, once again belittles the morals and values of America in the time of Trump. For just his omission of facts during his confirmation hearings and his lack of demonstrating his Russian banking connections Session’s should have either been impeached or resigned. Now that Trump is scapegoating Sessions he is a hero a saint, and American role model…Pa-Leeze! 

It amazes me, those lemmings who adore Trump, those fools who think because they demonstrate allegiance toward Trump, he too will hold their hands, wipe their brow and defend them…HUH! This is Trump, empty, void who only thinks of himself or perhaps his daughter. Trump is only out for Trump and the people who think otherwise, will…well they will be handled like Sessions, who is expendable if it threatens the plastic wall of lies Trump hides within!