Sunday, July 2, 2017


Trump is delighted as delighted a dull minded dud can motivate himself to become, when HIS name TRUMP fills the air glowing in bling, and suffocating the oxygen out of any one else who dares complete with this INCOMPLETE form of life. So, America, since trump only reads about the first three or words in any law, and since at least one of those three words should have the word TRUMP included, lets beg our politicians too pass a few laws for the continuation of democracy, the rule of the president, and a possible future filled with less futility. 

The TRUMP Mental, Physical Health Evaluation Report: Beginning in 2018 all candidates running for Federal office must release a standardized mental and physical health exam certified by three physicians. When a candidate declares his/her intention to run for a Federal Office, their TEMPHER must be evaluated. More then three questions by any Mental and Physical Health Professional either slows down the process or eliminates the candidacy.  Details On Net-worth, Anonymous Ledger Dealings or the DONALD. another bunch of paper work must be submitted, when one or more questionable activity is noted  or left unexplained on paper. And when within a financial time line some activity seems to have disappeared. This will of course be a part of the Trump Financial Activity Chart Totals ( T-FACT).

Hacking of states polling stations, dark dirty PAC money, people as Corporations, less and less divide between Church and State…all of these of course are real issues which may or may not push us off the cliff in the 2018 elections. How do we know that the few special elections had no been rigged. Gerrymandered districts, strict Voter ID Laws to deter rather than encourage democratic participation…all of these would help stabilize populations who have a voice but can never seem to use it. And after the fiasco that is Trump, in all honesty, why can’t we pass laws that state anyone running for the offices of Senator, Representative, Governor Lt Governor, VP and President, provide the American public with all of their Tax Returns/Physical and Mental Health checkups. Why shouldn’t the people we are hiring have the qualifications. And oh yeah, if the family of the President does not want to live in the White House then the family of the president foot the bill to live somewhere else. All of this seems so simple and so for the betterment of the American people…but I guess when you elect Royalty all the rules change…