Maybe it is the eye of a giant alien Cyclops, wide awake peering down on the Blue Planet, wondering what to do with this watery, windy, wasteful planet…OR maybe it is just the moon. Perhaps it is an Omen filled with prophesies or falsehoods calling and culling the humanoids to wonder and wish…OR maybe it is just the moon. Could it just be an Optical Illusion, we see it then it wanes, it widens and wistfully fades to just a crescent trying its darnedest to persuade all of us to point, ponder, shout ooh’s and ahh’s asking one another did you see that…and indeed it IS just the moon.
In 1933 Eddie DeLange wrote the lyrics to a song titled Moonglow, “…It must have been moonglow way up in the blue, it must have been moon glow that led me straight to you…” My parents, aunts and uncles danced to this tune, some pitched woo, some would return home from some harried day turn on the radio and listen as Benny Goodman and his band sweetly and with great sincerity played this song about the magic of the moon. The magic of the moon, the majesty of its light, the momentum by which we respond to something so simple, something so special, something we know so much about and understand so very little. The moon can glow and it is not the sun…WOW!
The thing about the moon is it is a constant, but it still mesmerizes us when we look at it, of course we all see the moon, but dancing in our brains are millions of ways we interpret what we are looking at. It is like Provincetown, for Joe and I, we know what to expect, but every year our expectations are met, but then something new happens, something old looks different, and once in a while, even though it might have been right in front of our faces, something old is suddenly new. Moonglow, way up in the sky, except when it is in our hearts! Day Four