Saturday, July 29, 2017

The Passion of Sarah

Sarah HUCKABEE Sanders, as the late great Joan Rivers often times said, “Can We Talk”, perhaps what I mean however just between you and I, can we talk about the language your two bosses have used, and just how you as a Baptist Believer and Evangelical Crusader seem to have little to no concern about their language. Your Emperor told America he loves to grab women by the pussy, almost as if once they saw him they spread their legs saying come on in Donald…and you, well you went to work for him anyway, cause, he was just joking…your newest boss loves to talk big shit about male genitalia providing the press with an image of Steve Bannon sucking on his own cock…and you with your little girlish grimace as if the only foul odor was a teeny tiny fart drifting across your nose and you described the “Mooch’s” words  as “sometimes he’s a passionate guy”. WOW. So tell me Sarah HUCKABEE, when exactly HAD you sold your soul to the Devil, was it the day your daddy and Donald made the deal, support me HUCK, tell the Evangelicals Jesus came to your house and said Trump is DA MAN, and I will repay you by hiring your daughter…OR Sarah HUCKABEE Sanders, you never had a soul just snake oil causing through your veins?

Lets talk some more Sarah HUCKABEE Sanders, how did it feel to have a make over, so you could be a “PURTY GAL” representing one of the most insecure men on the planet and directly reporting to one of the sleaziest men in the world. The Mooch was most please with your new hairstyle and make up, why he even joked he wanted some hair spray and make up also. You even wear your white stand off pearls as if you were Harriet Nelson, or Barbara Billingsley back in those oppressive days the 50’s. Did Jesus come creeping into your bedroom, like he did with Mrs Ted Cruz, Michelle Bachmann, Sarah Palin and good ole Rick Perry, did he whisper as you slumbered, its good to work for an adulterer, its great to work for a liar, and the cream of the crop of goodness is that he prefers Vladimir Putin to any American. 

Your father, and please take this as a compliment, MIKE HUCKABEE, is one of the best grifters around. Why he can take an ounce of snake oil and make millions from it. He often times has stated, oh so humbly, that he is not a prophet (that is Ted Cruz’s job title) but that somehow (and love that pretentious dumbfounded look on his face as he is pick pocketing others people’s money) but gosh darn it Jesus just speaks to him. Your dad is vehemently opposed to same sex marriage…BUT could care less about a double adulterer, HUCK is sure the homosexuals take little boys and girls and molest them…BUT Trump lusting over Ivanka is okee-doe-key, did you dad just tell you HON, the best way to please Jesus is be the BEST hypocrite in the world! Oh, yeah, Sarah HUCKABEE Sanders, one more question while we are talking…and I am doubly sincere about understanding this…how do you use your same lips and mouth to kiss your husband, and pray to Jesus art the same time lying your ass off to cover up the deeds of one of the most despicable men in the world? What a fancied and now gussied up fraud you are!