SO, here we go again! YEP, the not so quiet rumor mill of the Trump/MAGA/Good Nazi/Proud Boys/Kevin McCarthy-Ted Cruz-Josh Hawley GOP treasonous enemies of the state is already ‘splaining’ that “JUST WAIT TILL INAUGURATION DAY! Somehow, just committing INSURRECTION once is NOT ENOUGH, and the Fascist/Authoritarian/FOX Watching-Limbaugh Listening-Republican Trump Loyalists have warned us that THEIR JOB was not done NOPE! Be afraid they tell us (Hey US Capitol Hierarchy-Justice Department- Homeland Security Head Honcho’s-Mother Pence’s Big Boy, Mikey) are you ‘listenin’?
I imagine one of the reasons’ aside from his narcissist, sociopathic, psychotic delusional being, Donnie the Dictator, has decided NOT TO ATTEND the Inauguration, might be the usual, he fears for his life; as I am certain Donnie The Con, set in motion the INSURRECTION on January 6, 2020, he has also GREENLIT, the second round of revolution, and knows EXACTLY how things are intended to play out, on January 20, 2020! (You lay the tinder, kindling, pile the lumber high, bring your gallons of gasoline, set the blow torches on a timer, and wham blast, no turning back.) So Donnie the Pre-Meditated Murderer, (the guy who built at least four rows of fencing around the White House and has the Military shoot to kill Americans for a photo-opt) AIN”T gonna show up for his next encore production…you know like HE didn’t march down PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE as he let loose his LOSERS! (Oh yeah Mrs. Clarence Thomas-Ginni, will you also be underwriting the transportation for this spectacle of rebellion…you know, like you did so on January 6?)
HEY Trump Enablers, ya’ wanna try and have Americans (those of us who actually understand law and order, and respect the CONSITUTION), even think you care… why not stage at least two more intervention video’s, reality show tapes, and in each have your BOY DONNIE, tell his HIVE of sedition lovin’ goons TO NOT ATTEMPT another Trump oriented COUP! What, is that… SILENCE, I hear! We have been warned by the same GANG of THUGS who murdered police, and their own, that THEIR CIVIL WAR IS NOT OVER… TRUMP AIN’T showin’ up because HE KNOWS what is awaiting this nation!