Wednesday, January 6, 2021


 Like many people, I too could not stay up last night and WAIT and watch the machinations, of those who read the tea leaves, telling us about the future, all the while living in the present, which has somehow survived the immediate past. Way too painful for me, and also NIGHTMARE inducing, and my ANGST level is over the top as it stands anyhow!


Having watched Kelly Loeffler standing maskless next to Trump, adding her name to the list of 12 Treasonous Senators, pretending she gives a fuck about democracy, I promised myself, to not spend the rest of my night, in the land of the 1% PRIVILEGED GILDED WHITE CORRUPT ANARCHISTS! I listened as Purdue, pretended that he cared about the next generation of GEORGIANS, emoting that voting him back into office and maintaining the MC CONNELL DEATH GRIP on the Senate would be a good thing, for the rest of us, all the while he and his cohorts decimate democracy.


And between this SNAKE OIL conclave, hearing how Trump is urging armed militias to invade Washington, DC, and how Trump is still setting dirty bombs across this nation, and the quiet push back NOT loud and boisterous, like those who hate this nation, BUT the quiet comments from Republicans still insisting that perhaps there were some irregularities, instead of DEMANDING Trump just back down, back away, was just too much for me!


I awoke, on this January 6, 2021, not certain I wanted to watch or listen or read about my country. But NOT KNOWING, for me IS just as bad as KNOWING and doing nothing about it!