So, now, its…Trump made me do it…I was so Patriotic, as to follow the directions of my President, how can I personally be responsible for INSURRECTION…He invited me here, he needed me…I had no idea as I broke into the Capitol, rummaging through the desks and private offices of Congress People shouting Hang Mike Pence, Kill Pelosi, that any of this could have led to a MOB RULE, an OCCUPATION of the Capitol, the murder of Police…Ya gotta believe me had I known this kind of AWFUL was going to happen I would have NOT been a participant…OR, I WAS JUST FOLLOWING ORDERS!
Hey Trump, and your Trump-eze Flying Monkey’s I got big bucks, how much bribe money, dirty money INNSERECTION MONEY, will it take for you to break the law one more time, ya know for ME, your loyal INSURRECTIONIST/BIGOT/RACIST/WHITE GOOD NAZI SUPREMACIST?
And on Sunday, January 17, 2021, America looks like Baghdad, Beirut, Yemen, Benghazi, North Korea, and who has not said another word, or tried his darndest to plead for the INSURRECTIONISTS to stop, cease…and who else besides Trump or his Crime Family has tried to intervene from within the GOP to demand all Republicans finally tell the truth that Trump Lied, Biden won a fair election…And even though Trump invited all of his MAGA PLUS to visit him in DC, and meet him at the Capitol, how many of those INSURRECTIONISTS, would one imagine be permitted to play golf at his numerous courses or have a personal invite to Mar-A-Lago?