Thursday, January 7, 2021


 If I hear the term, “It’s On Them,” meaning Cruz and Hawley, and their sedition and insurrection machinations one more time I will puke. Or I hear “It’s On Them,” and WHAT!!!! It’s like the nauseating commentary of words like ‘”Unprecedented,” “It’s Just Trump,” “He Is On His Way Out,” “We Are Better Than This,” If I hear that there “IS JUST” discussion about kicking out the 120 some GOP House Members who are acting like Jihadists/Domestic Terrorists, but nothing more than typical chest pounding talk I will stop breathing. If I hear that maybe some conversations are being had regarding the 25th Amendment, but they are too hushed, or too random to be concerned with, I want to SCREAM.


We ALL are witnessing Trumps Deranged behavior and witnessing his Enablers to continue to implode this nation, and all we get are words. Words need action, Action needs results, the results should IMMEDIATELY quell these words. THESE words are dangerous, and worse those speaking them are ENEMIES/CRIMINALS/TERRORISTS!