In the make-believe world of the Republican Party, the Public Relations Charade, Propaganda WORLD, Americans were preached to, that THE GOP is the TOUGH GUY PARTY, you know, the Party which will kick the ass of Terrorists, as long as those TERRORISTS are of the Foreign kind, the Muslim kind, the Middle East kind and have brownish or olive-colored skin KIND! The hardy and hailed GOP espoused how THEY would never negotiate with TERRORISTS, especially when hostages were being held captive. We were TOLD, no lied to, that to keep America safe, meant DO NOT PERMIT the Dems to govern, ALWAYS TRUST THE REPUBLICANS. Fucking Liars ALL of them, fucking let’s screw America and Americans ALL of them, fucking ass licking, fearful cowards, who will ONLY take care of themselves ALL of them!
So, today, January 26, 2021, we witnessed all but FIVE GOP Senators cave, wallow, wail, willfully let a DOMESTIC TERRORIST maintain his DEATH grip over this nation and the REPUBLICAN PARTY, by NEGOTIATING with the Terrorist, DONAL J. TRUMP, giving almost carte blanche to commit an INSURRECTION and SEDITION. These COWARDS, these SPINELESS/WEAK/C0-CONSPIRATORS/UNCONSCIONABLE ENABLERS, so afraid of Trump and his Revolutionary Militia full of conspiracy theories and not much else, have permitted the MONSTER to LIVE, no matter the cost to the rest of us…JUST AS LONG AS THEY HOPE THEY WILL NOT RECEIVE ANY RETRIBUTION FROM THE TRUMP MOB!
Am I surprised, no, am I disgusted, FUCK YES…but as JUST ONE CITIZEN, I have no idea what to do about it? And I hate that, as much as I hate the Republican Senators who demonstrated the fine art of placing Party over People and their Futures over our FREEDOMS!