Counter Culture: a culture with values and mores that run counter to those of established society. So it is with great, WHAT THE FUCK, I blog about the audacity of Right-Wing/Domestic Terrorist/FOX Watching/Limbaugh Radio Listening/Good Nazi’s/and the South Will Rise Again/and Q-ANON-Proud Boys recently elected GOP Legislators…to think that by saying the catchphrase COUNTER CULTURE, to describe those of us who fear INSURRECTION, REBELLION, THE CALL FOR THE 2ND AMENDMENT to replace law and order are the BAD GUYS…you know the NON-MOB who tried to take over our Nation’s Capital, trying to hang Pence and shoot Pelosi!
The Counter Culture activities ACTUALLY taking place in “real-time” are those actions in which the (Trump Cultists-The MAGA-The Proud Boys-The Boogaloo Bois-The Franklin Graham/Tucker Carlson-Donnie Junior-Giuliani-Limbaugh motivated Bigots…Racists…Anti-Semitic…Xenophobes…) have embraced and secured, actually looking to Trump as an inspiration and motivator to act upon!
And add to that actually CONGRESS PEOPLE like Louis (the Loser) Gohmert…Matt (My Father will Fire You) Gaetz…Mo (I Am From Alabama and we love out Jim Crow Laws) Brooks…Jimmy (Dude, if you get sexually harassed in the shower, do not look to me to provide you a towel let alone help) Jordan, and two newly minted sweethearts of Q-Anon Lauren Boebert (“Q”—the anonymous leader of the fringe movement—” is real”) and Marjorie (once called “Q” a “patriot.”) Taylor Greene are leading PROPONENTS of waging a war on OUR CURRENT CULTURE and doing their Republican best of DOUBLE SPEAK! AVOIDANCE…HYPERBOLE…LIES…AND CON, four ingredients used and abused by the @Real GOP, to keep the cultists drinking the Kool-Ade, (as they as is usually the case with puppet masters) and live their lavish hypocritical lifestyle. Make up a name, spit it out at the other, and think that even as your shit is toxic, somehow your fools as followers don’t smell it!