Wednesday, January 13, 2021


  “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket.” LBJ


Look around at the results of picking the pockets of white men, while demonstrating, HIS con, (that of Trump) and his allure to hone in on the sheer insecurities, of that white man or woman, placing a priority on their bigotries, inciting, the self-loathing of each, as a battle cry, leading to INSURRECTION! No empathy, nor sympathy, but mere madness and manipulation, Trump understands, HATE/LOATHING/FEAR, better than most because better than most he too suffers from the same delusions, and dreary depressed life of an emotionally crippled man, and a man who is missing a soul.


As the pro-Trump mob stormed up the steps of the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, a big yellow banner stood out among the blue Trump flags carried high by the throng: "JESUS SAVES." Nearby was another, with an even stranger message — "JESUS 2020" — as if the Lord himself had been a candidate in the disputed election. (NPR)


And speaking of souls, most of us might wonder, into, what the soul of the American Evangelical Church, has morphed? Sincere, and serious, believers in Trump, from early on, never wavering or questioning his morals or values, (actually, making excuses for his debauchery and dystopian choices) have insisted on each and every machination, and declaration has been Jesus inspired, Jesus motivated, and Christ-like! They have permitted Trump to ascend as the newest of Prophets, practicing an almost nuanced form of religious heresy, chanting hyperbole, and indulging in hypocrisy. And of course, replacing democracy with a surge of White Christian Nationalism for good measure!


And on this day, Wednesday, January 13, 2021, the Republican’s in The House of Representatives, the majority who are WHITE, and CHRISTIAN, also all of them AMERICAN, are debating…let me say that again, DEBATING, the merits of a con man, who has demanded authoritarian rule, incited INSURRECTION and TYRANNY, approved of the death chants, and intentional attempts to cause bodily harm or death, of government officials, applauds the efforts of criminals to continue their heinous ways, by letting them know, HE LOVES THEM! Again:  “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket.” LBJ