Friday, January 22, 2021


 PARASITISM is a symbiotic relationship between species, where one organism, the PARASITE, lives on or inside another organism, the host, causing it some harm, and is adapted structurally to this way of life. The entomologist E. O. (Wikipedia)

The agents that cause disease fall into five groups: viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and helminths (worms). Protozoa and worms are usually grouped together as parasites, and are the subject of the discipline of parasitology, whereas viruses, bacteria, and fungi are the subject of microbiology. (Wikipedia)… HOWEVER, the Science of Politics has discovered a SIXTH GROUP, known as the INSURRECTIONIST REPUBLICAN. Currently, three PRIME extreme examples of a PARASITE reside in the Senate, named Paul/Hawley/Cruz. These three PARASITES are intent on eroding the carcass of Democracy, primarily that known as Americana!


Without hesitation, or a mere seconds delay, it seems the 2024 Presidential Primary Contest has erupted, fresh from the wounds and woeful attempt of INSURRECTION, preened and primed by Trump, and a cadre of wanna be Benedict Arnold’s, all intent on overthrowing fair elections, and content in the destruction and death to the American psyche and American lives! Three conceded, contemptuous, clowns, without conscience or fear of consequences have made it clear, that NO MATTER WHAT THE COST, they desire to become the New Trump and wish to steer this nation off the cliff, we found ourselves mere inches from falling. Paul/Hawley/Cruz are at it, AGAIN FOR THE FIRST TIME, and are demonstrating they will take all prisoners, placing their quest for power above the welfare of this nation!


If there was a so-called “ POLITICAL HONEYMOON,” these Three Stooges, have made it clear as can be IT IS OVER, and in fact, IT was only a figment of the imagination for the citizens of this nation who embraced the triumph of good over bad and truth over lies. Paul/Hawley/Cruz are PARASITES, dangerous deceitful denizens, of CREEP-VILLE. Be careful America, because, these three men are even more sinister than anyone Trump, because, they are much more calculated and cunning, callous and believe to achieve their DESTINY, whatever must be DESTROYED, shall be!