Abandon a failing enterprise before it is too late. This metaphoric expression alludes to rats, which leave a vessel when it founders in a storm or runs aground so as to escape drowning. ... It was transferred to human behavior by about 1600. (dictionary.com)
Oh, gee, Elaine Chao and Betsy DeVos have resigned, neither one of them having had Any problems with good Nazi’s/kids in cages/or Russian Assets! Oh gee, Lindsey Graham has said enough is enough, after tons of rounds of golf and eating his own words of evil and vile once describing Trump! Oh gee, Mick Mulvaney is seemingly surprised that Trump of January 6, 2020, was never the same Trump whose ass Mick licked and lathered with his tongue, just a year ago, a month ago, a week ago! Oh, gee, oh gosh, all tough and rough John Kelly NOW says Trump has always been dangerous, and Willie (Roy Cohn) Barr is dismayed at any and all behavior by Trump.
Words related to forgive and forget accommodate, atone, balance, bury the hatchet, compose, conciliate, counterbalance, counterpoise, mend, offset, outweigh, pacify, recompense, redeem, redress, requite, settle, countervail, come to terms, make amends. So, let me get this straight, RIGHT now, the rest of us, YOU KNOW, those of us who have seen our liberties and freedoms, health and welfare be completely destroyed, removed, restricted, paralyzed, ignored, and abandoned by EVERYONE TRUMP, is to suddenly provide a KUMBUYA moment, and embrace solicitous, racist, authoritarian seeking, sycophants; as selfish then as now (because NOW that Trump has gone even beyond the pale, for TRUMP), they are worried that no book deals, no talking head jobs and not even a spot on Dancing With The Stars gig will emerge. FUCK ALL OF YOU!
But worse than these slugs, these, creatures from under the rocks, or the crud from the remainders of dog shit on your shoes pretending they have found a conscience, and DESIRE acceptance back to non-conspiracy or insurrectionist world, WORSE THAN THAT…is that even if they are excused, the sheer amount of poison and toxicity they have ENABLED to come to the surface WILL HAUNT US, even when these treasonous turds are gone. BECAUSE these groups of ANYONE TRUMP have delighted in inviting and even welcomed the opening of the gates of HELL in the form or Good-Nazi’s/Proud Boys/4chan/Newsmax/OANN/QAnon to invade the empty minds of bigoted, biased and Domestic Terrorists and incite acts of violence and the intentional overthrow of our democracy! SO NOW, on his waning days, (WHICH, unless, I believe, his powers are removed or diminished to nothing more than being held prisoner in Mar-A-Lago, Trump remains Public Enemy Number One) FEAR and LOATHING have arisen, by these TRUMP SWAMP CREATURES, but not necessarily for the good of this nation, but for their own futures…and they expect US to forgive forget and as they act as rats abandoning a ship that never quite sailed in the first place!