Traitors, a person who betrays a friend, country, principle, etc. Cowards, persons who lack the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things. Enablers persons who encourage or enable negative or self-destructive behavior in another. Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. Insurrection, Rebellion, uprising, or insurrection is a refusal of obedience or order. It refers to the open resistance against the orders of established authority. White Nationalism is a type of nationalism or pan-nationalism that espouses the belief that white people are a race and seeks to develop and maintain a white racial and national identity. Many of its proponents identify with and are attached to the concept of a white nation or a "white ethnostate". Evil, in a general sense, is the opposite or absence of good. It can be an extremely broad concept, although in everyday usage is often used more narrowly to talk about profound wickedness. (All definitions via Wiki-Pedia…all definitions pertaining to those who have kissed the ring, licked the ass, collected the entrails of Trump!
FOX NEWS- Propaganda machine, permitting lies to become fact, facts to fail, failure as a priority, priority to ignore the Constitution, the Constitution, only a prop to be used as propaganda! (in the example, Laura Ingraham/Tucker Carlson/Laura Ingraham/Sean Hannity. AMERICAN EVANGELICAL NATIONALISTS-humans desiring to become demigods, demigods, only interested in becoming God’s never to be loving to become masters over minions, minions lower than one-celled bacteria, fearful, hateful, resentful, and easily conned into worshipping demigods, whose God-like presence is portrayed and praised on Fox News. (In an example, Franklin Graham/Jerry Falwell Junior/Ralph Reed/Tony Perkins (All definitions via Gerry Buncher…all definitions pertaining to those who make a profit, kissing the ring, licking the ass, collecting the entrails of Trump!
Patriotism or national pride is the feeling of love, devotion, and a sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment. A fine definition, on paper, but when that paper is not read, just wrinkled up and spat upon, ignored, or burned to shreds. None of the above mentioned, FOX NEWS or AMERICAN EVANGELICAL NATIONALISTS care about the definition of PATRIOTISM, but all of the above are smart enough to abuse it as an excuse to remain relevant!