I am soooooo tired of watching Trump, break almost every law, Criminal or Constitutional, Civil, Tax Code, Fraud, (and I am certain a myriad of other categories, I am unaware exist;) and I am even MORE tired of hearing how this time he went too far, and THIS time he will certainly be held accountable, LEGALLY…YADDA, YADDA, YADDA! And I grow even more tired of the minions, the lackey's the enablers, the “I Was Just Following Orders,” Republican Operatives, or EVANGELICALS, or Wealthy 1% Domestic Terrorist Donors or His So-Called Legal Team, permitting him to wage war on Justice, pretending that somehow, as president, TRUMP can act as Royalty, and decimate our nation! And what was that, today, ONE MORE LAWSUIT is supposedly being issued against him…(what you hear is the dull thud of NOTHINGNESS)
If, the verbal transaction between TRUMP and the GA, Secretary of State was actually treason filled, or full of Tyranny, and even an act of SEDITION, then why, Speaker Pelosi, have YOU not demanded TRUMP be brought up for IMPEACHMENT…RIGHT NOW! Oh yeah, there are more pressing issues in the waning days of this AUTHORITARIAN, COUP SEEKING SHYSTER…I am soooooo tired of the same BS and so TIRED OF BEING SOOOO SCARED, as to what ELSE might happen to MY COUNTRY before January 20th!
Oh yeah BTW, Georgian’s your Senator Davie (I suck ass to get ahead) Purdue, was MYPHED, not because of the illegal and immoral MOB LIKE DEMANDS, Trump made to YOUR state’s Secretary of State, but Davie (I am rich and you are not) Purdue, got all hissy fit-like stating that the real crime was that a Republican would record these threats and release them, against another Republican named TRUMP.