rel·e·vant: adjective, closely connected, or appropriate to what is being done or considered. Appropriate to the current time, period, or circumstances; of contemporary interest. 1a: having a significant and demonstrable bearing on the matter at hand. b: affording evidence tending to prove or disprove the matter at issue or under discussion relevant testimony. Merriam-Webster Dictionary
ir·rel·e·vant adjective, not connected with or relevant to something. The definition of irrelevant is defined as something that doesn't apply or is not related to the subject. An example of irrelevant is someone saying it's noon when asked for the temperature outside. Merriam-Webster Dictionary
The list of TRUMP enablers, wishing to save their asses, perhaps snuggle up to a cozier more friendly, less ENEMY OF THE STATE, chapter in the US History Books, hoping that future employment will be readily available and to not be considered a pariah, has grown! Suddenly what had always been the truth, and factual for intelligent and true Patriots of this nation, those of us, who also believe in science, medicine, and intent of the Constitution is like that whack on the side of the head, and these TRUMP things want to distance themselves, too little too late and actually IS IRRELEVANT! These false flags of sincerity or concern by the TRUMP cultists NOW, only prove the point that ALL ALONG, they knew, enjoyed, planning TRUMP’S bid to become an AUTHORITARIAN…but somehow, their plan and his intentions backfired and the damage done to JUST THE AVERAGE AMERICAN, has intruded upon these SEDITION SEEKING SHYSTERS. All of that is RELEVANT, and all of that RELEVANCE must be remembered, and consequences MUST befall the entire lot of them!
So, now the cry IS, to ignore any and all past divisions and diversions established by the GOP, to deny a democratic involvement in governing, replacing it with policies of White Supremacy/Christian Nationalism/Alienation based on Bigotry, Fear, Hate; and to let bygones be bygones, and REUNITE, all of us! That is RELEVANT. It has RELEVANCE because, by insisting that these actions from the past never mattered, would equate to ignoring the rot and ruin, decay, and intentional destruction of democracy, by these same bad actors! It would mean that somehow, all the events leading to the INSURRECTION on January 6, 2020, were trivial, and trite. THEY WERE NOT, and NEVER INTENDED TO BE! And that has a whole lot of RELEVANCE.