It might be news worthy, reading about, how SUDDENLY, all the media think they discovered just how sinister and shady and influential the Russian regime had been in running a propaganda scheme against the Dems and Hillary in particular; when in fact the evidence of negativity of INFLUENCE hadn’t ALREADY been made apparent with such GIANT propagandists currently in the media Biz, such as FOX, Drudge and Breibart. If you read the headlines from the supposed Main Street Media, it might leave you wondering who gets to call the Kettle Black, as the Networks and every other Cable News Network other than FOX hadn’t already been doing the job of Negative Nancy reporting, toward Hillary. Pretending that the quote “Fair and Balanced” had a real meaning except for a con job by FOX, EACH and EVERY Main Stream news network held Hillary to high standards and Trump to NO standards. The talking heads, even admitted their IN-BALANCE of coverage; almost saying if Hillary farts, she will time it, so she is standing next to some one else, then she will fart again, to immediately walk away, only to fart again, because she CANNOT control her sphincter muscle, PLUS, she will make sure HER fart is stinky because she is a woman! On the other hand if Trump farts, its just Trump being Trump and how smelly can a GREAT Businessman’s fart really be, and his fart was misunderstood anyway, as it was really a burp!
Trump has still not provided his TAX RETURNS, he has NOT provided a legitimate plan for investing his businesses. WE have no medical records (And I believe we should require a mental evaluation also), and NO ONE seems to care any longer about his cozy relationships with the Russian Oligarchy. (And we ALL know that any financial dealings in Russia, MUST go through Vlad). STOP already, American News Networks, complaining that the Russians alone hacked the hell out of Hillary, when in deed and IN fact you played along and are still denying your addiction to anyone BUT Hillary!
Too often from past mistakes believing the Emperor has clothes, the public became chagrined saying “I never knew, they were good to me, I was just following orders, I had to look the other way… Nope, not this time, at least for me…I am a part of the RESISTANCE!