Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Whose Fart

It might be news worthy, reading about, how SUDDENLY, all the media think they discovered just how sinister and shady and influential the Russian regime had been in running a propaganda scheme against the Dems and Hillary in particular; when in fact the evidence of negativity of INFLUENCE hadn’t ALREADY been made apparent with such GIANT propagandists currently in the media Biz, such as FOX, Drudge and Breibart. If you read the headlines from the supposed Main Street Media, it might leave you wondering who gets to call the Kettle Black, as the Networks and every other Cable News Network other than FOX hadn’t already been doing the job of Negative Nancy reporting, toward Hillary. Pretending that the quote “Fair and Balanced” had a real meaning except for a con job by FOX, EACH and EVERY Main Stream  news network held Hillary to high standards and Trump to NO standards. The talking heads, even admitted their IN-BALANCE of coverage; almost saying if Hillary farts, she will time it, so she is standing next to some one else, then she will fart again, to immediately walk away, only to fart again, because she CANNOT control her sphincter muscle, PLUS, she will make sure HER fart is stinky because she is a woman! On the other hand if Trump farts, its just Trump being Trump and how smelly can a GREAT Businessman’s fart really be, and his fart was misunderstood anyway, as it was really a burp!

Trump has still not provided his TAX RETURNS, he has NOT provided a legitimate plan for investing his businesses. WE have no medical records (And I believe we should require a mental evaluation also), and NO ONE seems to care any longer about his cozy relationships with the Russian Oligarchy. (And we ALL know that any financial dealings in Russia, MUST go through Vlad). STOP already, American News Networks, complaining that the Russians alone hacked the hell out of Hillary, when in deed and IN fact you played along and are still denying your addiction to anyone BUT Hillary!

Too often from past mistakes believing the Emperor has clothes, the public became chagrined saying “I never knew, they were good to me, I was just following orders, I had to look the other way… Nope, not this time, at least for me…I am a part of the RESISTANCE! 

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

When You

When you voted for Trump/Pence to Make America Great, had you perceived that it was the Gays who were a part of the great Cabal holding back the potential for America’s even better, best greatness? To be more specific the LGBT community? Did you have hidden in your lock box such animosity and anger toward those queer Americans as to vote into office a pair of homophobes. No? Hmmm When you voted for Trump/Pence to Make America Great, had you wondered about the ladies in your life, the ones with vaginas, and breasts, and all the girly stuff that goes with them? To be more specific did you decide that the Government is truly the owner of women’s interiors? Did you think that abuse, rape were NOT men’s responsibilities, and that women should be satisfied to be nothing more than chattel? When you voted for Trump/Pence to Make America Great did you concern yourself with the Jews? Or were you pretty cool that as long as they no longer ran all the banks and the media they could find a place in this society? NO? Really, it was just your distaste for anything Hillary????? Rumor, innuendo, fabrication, fake, lies were all you relied on in voting to Make America Great….

When you voted the Trump/Pence team of charlatans and con artists, had you read the Constitution, the parts about Freedom of the Press, or for that matter Free Speech? What about the annoying parts where the Founding Fathers understood that the divide between Church and State was necessary so NO one COULD assume that one religion was dominate over the other? When you voted for the Trump/Pence administration did it occur to you that Trump, mo more than a reality star had NO idea about the job of president, thinking that once elected he was an Emperor, or maybe a Dictator?Did you realize that the second banana in the comedy team of Trump and Pence believed that  Evolution is the Devil speaking, that, rape is a gift from God, that all the history ANYONE needs to know is in the Bible, (To be clear not just any Bible but the one he reads). NO? Really, it was just that FOX News with the aid of the Russians was enough truth for you to understand that Hillary was and IS the prime evil in this nation.

Well thanks to YOU, I as a Gay man need to worry about my freedoms, I as a Jewish man must wonder if I am next for discrimination. My daughter as a woman has to release the rights to her reproductive parts, my best friend, has to wonder even if he was born in this country, will the Trumpeters try to send him back to Mexico. Thanks to your, I could give a shit about facts, I as a senior have to worry about social security, my friends who have finally received affordable health care, have to worry about affording it again. And YOU, who voted against all of that because you just KNEW Hillary was the worst of the worst, well you may actually have to never worry about voting again, cause the Trump/Pence Republicans have other ideas regarding America! I will be the Resistance, until democracy is once again restored.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Ask Jared

By now, we ALL should understand that WE, the AMERICAN , WE, can not tell Trump to do anything. Seriously, he could care less what WE think. In his mind HE is a GOD, and as a GOD he can DO as HE pleases. (How many laws suites, bankruptcies, lack of tax returns, accusations of inappropriate sexual misconduct have been filed and NOTHING done about any of them) He has demonstrated his remarkable ability to ignore the public good, OFTEN. The THING WE ALL should understand, however is that Trump listens to his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and his daughter, Mrs Jared Kushner, also known as Ivanka. 

Jared is Jewish, I am not sure if the White Supremacists (oops I am so politically incorrect, I DO NOT want to offend the Cable media) I mean Alt-Right, actually understand that a Jewish Guy is the Go-To-Guy for Trump! But It seems Jared does some kind off night time lulling (I bet Jared Dov’ens, a Jewish form of Prayer, like singing/saying and a lot of body gyrations) to keep Trump from his night terrors. And it IS reported that Jared calls a lot of shots for the imbecile who many Americans (so sad to have millions of Americans hate this country so much) have elected to be President. Now to be fair, I am Jewish, and i too am amazed that Mien Trump listens to a fellow Luntzman (a fellow Jew), but if Breibart and FOX are accurate about anything, they too agree. (Except Breibart always omits the Jewish thingie regarding the son-in-law and converted daughter)

So if you want to stop the Klansman known as Steve Bannon, the American Nazi, hired by Trump to be the Trump Strategic Planning Guy I had to sip some schnapps (my Jewish Grandmother and Jewish mother loved Peach Schnapps), as I wrote the words strategic and Trump in the same sentence. Send your mail to the Kushner’s and ask them why they have not said WORD ONE regarding the anti-Semitic stances and sentences Steve Bannon has made public. Then ask the members of the Kushner Shul, why they too have not demanded that at least Jared and Ivanka make a public statement. The joke is, if you find two Jews on an island there will probably three shul’s…but in this case as Jews and Americans WE should all agree that anti-Semitism like Racism, Misogyny, Homophobia, Islamaphobia and Bigotry  have no place in America let alone the White House, in DC or the Golden House in NYC.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Dante and the Inferno

OH MY GOD NO….make them stop, PLEASE, my EARS are on FIRE! It seems the the media we find on television has decided to ask the questions:What didn’t we know about the 2016 election…Why didn’t we see it coming…and of course What should we consider in the future…NO, I plead, just go away Media, you are nothing but BLING, FACADES, EMPTY BOXES dressed in a some shiny poofy stuff. You are the Roach Motel, and ALL of us have entered and NOW we cannot escape from your lack of insight, sad indifference, and salivating to be the news. And NOW you have the audacity to question WHAT THE HELL happened on your watch! Where is the ghost of Edward R Murrow to haunt the living daylights out of each and every news department!

YOU covered every fart, burp, schtoop, piss and poop Donald Trump enjoyed. YOU never questioned his erratic, bizarre habits, you permitted him to be a douchebag of YOUR choice, kind of a flavor of the month. YOU scorned his every move with a chuckle and a wink (wink, wink), and while doing so, sent more cameras to follow him then you probably even owned. YOU cut him every break…YOU catered to his prejudices, his acrimony, his lack of knowledge. YOU coddled him, deciding that he was the dumb one, so standards needed to be lowered. AND WORST of all, YOU pretended to be fair and balanced, just like that REALLY fake news outlet. Whenever Trump was wrong, you ALL had to discover reasons Hillary was just as wrong, EVEN WHEN they DID NOT exist! He was your ratings GIANT, Media! He was a creation by supposed professional journalist and reporters who actually NEVER questioned him on ANYTHING of importance. 

NOOOO….don’t ask us now what happened! YOU know what took place, you were there with audio and video… Four years ahead of the election the GOP fearful of truth, decided to make up stories about Hillary, you aired them…The DNC, HRC’ servers were hacked, you NEVER made an effort to follow the trail…Trump lied and all YOU did was shake your heads, furl your brows, looking angst ridden when his surrogates made you look like Junior High reporters…The connection the Trump campaign had with the Russians was IN FRONT OF YOUR closed yes…AND NOW on top of everything you did wrong, MEDIA, you have the gaul to ask why didn’t we see this coming. OH MY GOD, this must be Dante’s Inferno level 666…TV/Cable MEDIA, REALLY! 

Friday, November 25, 2016

Real Boats Rock

"Show me a completely smooth operation and I'll show you someone who's covering mistakes. Real boats rock." Frank Herbert. Here is what happened: The Russians expected Americans to act as they normally do, to try and find an answer to a question that was never asked. So, while anticipating the American approach to a problem, which is to try and talk their way through it, the Russians hacked the servers of anything Democrat Party, including Hillary! The Russians had some hard core blackmail on Trump and also knew his greed and gluttony would always come before anything else, including patriotism and purpose. Never tell the Emperor he has no clothes while all the time disrobing him. Bring into the chaos a man who thrives on mayhem, (Steve Bannon), and tempt the fool (Trump) with plans of unequivocal power, and of course notoriety so the fool (Trump) will be deluded with temptation. All the while make sure the self doubters (The many minions who voted Trump, and of course the GOP party leaders)have more reason to believe they have been duped by anyone who uses correct English, has studied history, and is of a different color, religion or sexual preference.  Let the Dems do what they have historically done, play by the rules and watch as American politics 2016 version become a party for the Communists of Russia.

Of course diss Hillary, using the best propaganda American capitalism can buy, FOX, Conservative Radio, the Koch Brothers and those newly minted Corporations born into personhood, (At the behest of a very partisan Supreme Court) and continue the witch hunt as if it were the 1600’s or the McCarthy Era. Watch as the gerrymandered Republicans hover over nonsense, pretending that the people’s business is to keep the GOP elected, and let the lies fly, the innuendo spread, and the talking heads explode. Look elsewhere as the hackers deviously and oh so daringly lay waste to the last vestiges of a decaying Democracy. 

Announce, of course, after the fact, that we have been HACKED. Wipe your sweaty palms all over your wrinkled brow and curse those damn Ruskies. Ruminate, as Trump pretends he won the election fair and square, even as he and his henchmen HAD announced “something up our sleeves”, “November surprises,” and “it will be a rigged election.” Wonder why EVERYONE got the election WRONG, why Trump had no ground game in the very states in which he supposedly won the Electoral Votes, and try and figure why would Trump spend his last voting day in Michigan? So smooth of an operation, and the knowledge that most Americans would be fooled, by one of the greatest fools (Trump) who without his best bud Putin, would be nothing but the stuff on the bottom of your shoe you just stepped in. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

I can NOT

I can NOT in good conscience pretend that the election is over and that I should move on. Too much is at stake for me to pretend that having Trump become president is something I must tolerate. It is as if Trump and those who support him are individuals with whom I should use the term, “let bygones be bygones.” The cadre of extremists, bent on diminishing my ray of freedoms, and equality are too dangerous for me to look the other way. This is not a reality show, or and adventure movie, Trump’s questionable election is a wary reminder that justice and democracy have been tinkered with, as if someone punctured the brake lining of a car, asking America to drive it anyway. We all know the lack of consideration Trump has for the rest of us, we know this by HIS words, HIS actions, and HIS inactions. 

The DNC and Hillary’s servers were hacked. The GOP hypocrites in Congress, just sighed and shook their heads saying, “Shit happens.” These same Pay too Play Congress People spent millions of dollars to lie and destroy Hillary Clinton basing their theories on nothing but propaganda, but have not moved an inch on demanding answers regarding the hacking of a political party and its candidate. And I am supposed to lie dead and regard THEIR inaction as a normal day in democracy! The GOP has gathered as a Coven of Witches would, already stirring up potions to rid this nation of women’s rights. LGBT rights. immigrant rights, and the ability to even afford our own boots from which we are expected to pull our straps to get ahead.

I can NOT, watch as at least 2 million more popular votes for Hillary add up and NOT wonder how savvy the team of hackers were to fool this nation out lull this nation into thinking, we would permit a man like Trump to become Commander and Chief. I believe the RNC, chair and a Trump knew that twerking a few thousand votes in a select group of states which seemed close, would be a great ploy. I wish I had the power to DEMAND a re-count. Trump never lies when he uses words in his Tweets. He never lies because as a narcissist, he must let the world know what he is about to do. He was quite correct when he said the election is RIGGED. I want my country back! 

Giving Thanks

On March 9th, 1954, Edward R. Murrow—who was then perhaps the country’s most highly revered journalist—devoted an entire episode of his CBS program “See it Now” to the words and deeds of Senator Joseph McCarthy, who had already done much to earn his notorious place in history. Using McCarthy’s own statements, Murrow painted a picture of a man whose recklessness with the truth and ugly attacks on his critics had contributed to a climate of deep fear and repression in American life.

“This is no time for men who oppose Senator McCarthy’s methods to keep silent, or for those who approve. We can deny our heritage and our history, but we cannot escape responsibility for the result. There is no way for a citizen of a republic to abdicate his responsibilities. As a nation we have come into our full inheritance at a tender age. We proclaim ourselves, as indeed we are, the defenders of freedom, wherever it continues to exist in the world, but we cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home.” Edward R. Murrow

It happened, a bully pulpit, caressed, catered to, conveniently prepared by an insecure politician who prayed on the insecurities of those who would rather look outward for blame, away for guilt, and amongst any one but themselves for fault. Standing at the bully pulpit was a man claiming to be the EVERYMAN. Joe McCarthy claimed his blood was the reddest, his skin was the whitest, and his knowledge of the woes of this nation were deeper than anyone could sing the blues. Rid the nation of the evil so the purest can rise. Never trust the OTHER, they will rob you of your freedoms. Follow me as I am the only one who understands your strengths. I can make you stronger. America did, and one by one we began a foray into a frightening future where anyone was suspect and no one seemed to be able to stop this lats form of the Inquisition! 

For me, the election IS not over, because if I was to become silent and sedentary, and not demand more of this democracy, my actions would be nothing more then a footnote, stating “I was only following orders.” I will become a part of the RESISTANCE, making sure I have been pro-active in trying to stop the tyranny gripping MY country. I will give thanks on Thursday, that I still have a voice to do so!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The C words

COMPLICITY…the state of being involved with others in an illegal activity or wrongdoing. COLLUSION…secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others. COLLABORATION…traitorous cooperation with an enemy. CONNIVANCE…willingness to secretly allow or be involved in wrongdoing, especially an immoral or illegal act. Today’s letter is C, which used to also stand for Constitutional or Constitution or Citizen. But now that we have a person about to become a president elect who has COMMITTED or has had foreign powers/his surrogates/his family COMMIT, Complicity, Collusion, Collaboration and Connivance. It seems the letter C of the word Constitution honestly has very little meaning left. The Constitution has become irrelevant and will soon fade into some obscure moldy book in a dusty library hidden from view for fear that it will be sent to a hot oven set at Fahrenheit 451. 

On Monday, five major Broadcast companies of the US, were summoned to meet with Trump. All of these companies were then told just how awful they had treated Trump the GOP candidate, filling the airwaves with lies, falsehoods, and perhaps a few far fetched fables. Not good, these CEO’s and lead news personalities were lectured, not good at all. Freedom of the press, once a darling of democracy is now being tested. In the course book for Dictator 101, the first glossy chapter expounds upon CONTROLLING the amount and type of information permitted for the CONSUMPTION of the CITIZENRY. Richard Nixon once had an Enemies List, a private personal binder of those designated evil, but Trump, thinking that the CONSTITUTION is a bit passe, was very nonplussed and made it clear if it ain’t good news there will be no news.

We, as a nation, knew nothing about HIS taxes, HIS Businesses, HIS mental and physical health. We cared less about HIS charges of infidelity, sexual predator actions. We thrived on the reports from Breibart/FOX/Drudge. We pretended that HE was a Populist even as we once again voted into office men and women who have out lived their political careers in Washington. Now, America we have an individual ready to rule this nation who is nothing but a CUNNING CON…CONGRATULATIONS!

Monday, November 21, 2016

MY Birdies

Like a bird Trump tweets. The more he tweets the more the ever ratings hungry media responds, finding more talking heads to debate the nothingness of a few key strokes by a mad man who seems to suffer from the after affects of a stroke. But Tweet away he will, Trump is dumb, but smart enough to never be caught with the truth. Look away, media and savvy America, feast your eyes on my idiotic rantings, ruminate as my fraud case gets settled, my conflict of interests is ignored, my refusal to provide my taxes becomes ancient history. Ah, but listen to MY birdies, go Tweet, Tweet, Tweet…

Tweetle D

“The theater must always be a safe and special place. The cast of Hamilton was very rude last night to a very good man, Mike Pence. Apologize!” (Trump Tweet)

The White House must always be a safe and special place. Not a place for the office of an admitted Bigot/Racist/Anti-Semite/misogynist your Strategic Planing appointee, Steve Bannon. You have been rude to women/the disabled/ Muslims/Mexicans, when exactly have you apologized Trump? Your cast of Anarchists have been very rude to Barack Obama who is a very good man. Apologize! (Gerry Buncher Tweet if he ever tweeted)

The United States must always be a safe and special place. Not an isolated island for Caucasians only, who wear white robes, swaztika’s, waving the flag of a rogue nation which declared war against America. The supposed cast of Cabinet members, like Jeff Sessions (who thinks a little pussy grabbing is just fine. Mike Flynn (who sat at the same table to celebrate Putin’s award for his propaganda television station/and Flynn’s love for waterboarding) Pam Bondi, (your gal pal who loves a good bribe) Jerry Falwell Jr (the man who knows God hates the Gays and the only education necessary is the New Testament), Myron Ebell (the man who loves to deny climate change and global warming), just to name a few, are already rude to those of us who believe that America deserves equality/freedom/a clean environment/civil rights/an actual wall between church and state. Your cast of kiss ass surrogates, all who refuse to admit the Emperor (You) has no clothes, owe those of us who are not you or your family, an apology! Resistance, a new musical, Trump, the sane among us will be singing its symphonies for the next four years! 

Sunday, November 20, 2016


The media is ONCE again in a twitter, trained like the beloved dog owned by Pavlov, as Trump tweets one more insecure offering, phrased with the language skill of a zombie learning to use his brain once more.  Ah, yes Trump tweets and the media is a buzz bringing back talking heads to DISCUSS the pros’ and con’s of STUPID! It IS so much easier to ignore the substance when there is so much fun with the fluff! AND once again, Trump, understanding so little about the office of president, but knowing so much more about being the light bulb on the front porch on a summers eve, has the media mesmerized with each and every idiotic thought that rambles roughshod through his mouth. Anticipatory salivation "psychic secretion”, it was called by Pavlov. Present a stimulus and after a few repetitions, the subject (his dogs)  started to salivate in response to the stimulus. A tweet, by Trump and there is nothing else for the media to discuss! So, sad, so terribly sad!

Saturday, November 19, 2016


I AM a SORE loser when what I lost is freedom, equality, dignity, and the very basics of a democratic election. No way, did Trump win this election in a fair manner. He admitted himself two important things, the first was the Election is Rigged, and he lamented while admitting, that HE would have to see the numbers, see how close they were in each state before he would bow out. One thing a narcissist does is BRAG. Trump brags about EVERYTHING he has done and even the things he will do. The other thing Trump does and has gotten away with his lies and deception. First he and Vlad were buds/then he and Vlad never met/then he admired Vlad as a leader/then he never said he admired his new best friend. 

When I heard that the Trump Campaign had Trump in Michigan the last day of campaigning, my mistrust of Trump perked up. Trump was calm cool and collected the final days of the campaign. He knew that his hacker friends were gonna be great, best and better then just hacking the DNC and HRC campaign, he knew the hackers were as much a con as Trump himself. Just like terrorists think, detonate a bunch of small bombs to confuse the people. (Hack the DNC and HRC computers, have us all pissy about the audacity of that alone. While we are trying to repair that image, sneak up at another location (a variety of Blue All States and a few purple places and quietly but like a stealth, change some numbers, not too many, but just enough to make the American who has hoped this election would be okay, to feel that it was safe!

Almost impossible say the numbers people, the historians, for Hillary’s lead to be almost at 1.5 million and growing, for her to lose some of the states to Trump. I am a VERY SORE loser, when I know I have been HAD. We have never had the truth from his campaign regarding taxes/his health/his businesses, you really think they are honest about the election. “The Truth Is Out There!”

Friday, November 18, 2016


Why should Trump follow any protocol as the Electoral College Elect president, NOW, when he had little respect or time for rules and regulations as he ran for the office. He never thought he would win, and now that supposedly (I say so, because I do believe the Russians have hacked a few state election results), and acting like the president is more fun than being the president. COME ON, folks, he want his son-in-law Jared Kushner to get security clearance because national security is too hard for Trump to understand. So Jared,( the Jewish guy, all you Nazi’s and Klansmen), will be the go to guy whether we nuke a country, make nice to a country or ignore a country). For good measure he has his daughter Ivanka (the child he would date if he was not her father) sit in on important meetings with heads of state so she can do the talking and the answering. Again, listening and paying attention for more than 10 minutes at a time is difficult for Trump. Once the photographs are finished, Trump becomes dumbfounded. No one will change any of this family involvement, I bet. It will be Trump, Beavis/Butthead/Daria and Moe from the The Three Stooges running this nation. Cause even if the Trump Children of the Corn don’t get security clearance, you really believe Trump won’t share with his kids and Bro-Mate Vlad!


Good mysteries, I am told by critics of that genre, are those in which the author has blatantly proved the clues, for the reader, but has manipulated his manuscript in such a manner that the clues seem too obvious, and are either over looked or scoffed at, as being too evident. By the time the book is finished and the evidence is provided the reader hits himself in the head and says with great hindsight, I KNEW THAT, but I DIDN”T BELIEVE IT! THEN there are narcissist’s so overly delighted with his greatness, that to really enjoy his little bit of so called superiority mystery, he must entice the viewer to admire the skills of his success at creating a mystery also. Like the mystery writer who teases the reader with the obvious, the narcissist, too, feeds upon his viewers trepidations to understand that something fishy is about to happen, but the narcissist STILL needs credit for even the most heinous of actions, before they even happen. Like a good mystery writer, the narcissist, loves to hang the clues for all to see and hear, but never to believe…until the very end!

Trump has been if anything consistent with his actions regarding others and his own admissions toward his own behavior by the adjectives selected to describe the enemy. Trump never just uses a word after a hashtag out of sheer pettiness, but instead chooses the RIGHT word to let his audience in on the fact, that he too has done the same thing, but better! Trump has used hashtag lyin’ or crooked usually after he was caught in the act himself. For Trump’s ego, it was always necessary to accuse someone else of something he had already done or was about to do, is can’t contain himself…EVER It is, I believe, his way to communicate, if you think they lie or cheat, I CAN do it much better. It became a game for Trump along with the media, a majority of his supporters, all obliging him in playing the blame the other game, but I did it so much better.

So now the NSA (of course after the election) has taken seriously the interference of our elections by Russian operatives. We all knew this was true, as Trump reminded us the election would be rigged…Trumps BFF Vlad protested a bit too much, The RNC just shrugged their shoulders stating hacking happens. But here is the kicker and something probably not explained to Trump in too great of detail for fear he would hashtag brag about it. Never before has the non-Electoral College lost with more than 1 million nation wide votes…almost impossible…But then consider the so called blue states that Hillary had in her pocket like PA, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota. Hillary lost by only 1000’s of votes, too small to really argue, but big enough to add more states to Trumps Electoral College total. Vlad and his crew are smart cookies, (You don’t get to emulate Stalin any other way). Imagine hacking just enough votes from states, to give those states Electoral Votes to Trump. It was a nothing to see here kind of hacking. We were all worried that more states wold be involved in the Russian/RNC scheme, but once again we were taken for fools. Don’t believe me, then first show me Trump’s Tax returns, his medical record and I will consider me just one more guy with a conspiracy theory, gone bad!   

Thursday, November 17, 2016


I was feeling lethargic, a sense of doom was pressing its hand hard upon my mind, permitting me to wallow in pity. No words could quite define the motionless madness dancing in delight around me, I tried desperately to grasp at any idea to address something so looming as depression. Why were people cheering while I was jeering, bemoaning a loss. Who were the people, so callous filled with contempt as to push this nation to the brink. Why were some so thrilled so fond for the fringe of a society to lead the way. My eyes wanted to remain shut, my ears begged for silence, as the news of the day became clear that after Tuesday November 8th, I would find myself living inside a Sci-Fi novel whose theme focused on divide, denounce and demonize. I wanted so much to wake from this nightmare, wishing all it took was the effort to jerk out of my slumber, throw water on my face, and shout, it never happened, it never could have happened. But it did, and for me freedom died, so for the past week, I was sitting Shiva! Shiva is a Jewish custom to honor the life of a loved one, to grieve, remember and eventually move on, never forgetting the departed but making every effort to embrace the memories so valued, cherished, and important.

I am finished crying, bemoaning, flagellating myself for the behavior of the dumb, the arrogant, the ignorant, the spiteful, and those who found the black president too intelligent, equality too threatening, fairness too intimidating and change requiring sacrifice with selflessness. I have stopped permitting a vagabond of conspiracy theorists, and deniers to consider that only they have a right to this country. I will no longer listen to to the apologists, the sudden seekers of consensus, who had miserably failed to do so for the last 8 years. And I will not tolerate the “Well, lets wait and see”, attitude by those who think that if we wish it, it will come to fruition. I am no longer going to be the victim of the destruction of democracy. 

Keith Olberman, today spoke loudly about his feelings toward the rise of Trump/Pence. Mr Olberman used a word, that was like a whack on the side of my head, he stated he wanted to start a Resistance. How perfect a word for me, Resistance! Too often in history, the resistance started after freedoms/equality/rights were denied and replaced with the police state/the dictator/fascism. Once again this nation has a man elected as president without the majority of its population, and once again we think we HAVE to let this reign of power happen without dissidence.  Once out of the coma of an election lost, i have promised myself I will be a part of the resistance, trying my best to stop the executions before they begin. I have my words right now as my shield and sword, and i will make sure I am heard. I am proudly  a member of the RESISTANCE!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Whaddaya Mean

Whaddaya’ Mean: Give the guy a chance, he just said the mean and nasty stuff to get elected, after all he almost insulted everyone living in the US, and you think he was only talking bad about you! Whaddaya Mean: you can’t unite under a Republican President and a Republican controlled Congress, its your moment for a good hands across America circle standing of course as we sing the National Anthem, while a bond fire of books is burned…you know the ones regarding equality, or freedoms, or even the Constitution. Whaddaya Mean: The GOP leadership is swearing Steve Bannon is really a cool guy, forget he hates the Jews or the Blacks, he is a nice guy who ONLY has the most access to Trump. Whaddaya Mean that was then and this IS now, we should let bygones be bygones. This time the republicans actually DO want to be inclusive, no more anti Obama rhetoric, except for the repeal of health care and the implosion of the EPA and the departure from the Paris Environmental Accord, and the privatization of  Social Security and Medicare.

Whaddaya Mean: We are making such a BIG deal over Mike Pence’s personal emails, he is a Republican, an Evangelical Christian Conservative, for God’s sake, HOW could he be up to anything sinister. Whaddaya Mean: Leave those Butthead and Beavis sons and their sister Daria out of this. Why they are good enough to have access to top secret information, they are good kids helping their father who has no idea of the depth of the job of president. Whaddaya Mean: A blind trust is great for America, we can keep Daddy Trump running the country while his offspring run the business what could be better for both. Whaddaya Mean: when you say we can get through this AGAIN, we did it before, and we are a better country for it.

What I mean is to fight tooth and nail every Racist/Homophonic/Bigoted/suggestion, and attempt Trump and his Alt-Right goons attempt to adopt. What I mean is ALWAYS reading the bio’s of anyone Trump and his team suggest to lead this nation. What I mean is to be vigilant when the lies fall once again from the Trump talking heads. What i mean is THIS time for the Media to find their backbone and stop the Trump surrogates in mid sentence when all they produce are innuendo and fabrication. What I mean is to stop this march toward madness. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

YOU know that

Why is that so many people are saying, “there is nothing we can do, what is done is done” in regards to the Electoral College Election of Trump. Mostly it is the Dems/Liberals/Progressives who seem to want to find a Kumbaya moment. We must honor the results of this election, they insist, forgetting that on the day President Obama was inaugurated, the GOP leadership took an oath to NEVER permit anything Obama proposed, as law, take effect. Why is it that once again the Dems/Liberals/Progressives are supposed to let bygones be bygones, to turn the other cheek, to grin and bare it and just move on, the one’s responsible for making things nice. Why is it that the Dems/Liberals/Progressives are supposed to be the good guys and follow the rules; when most of the time it has been the Evangelical Conservative Christian/Tea Party/GOP who have always declared “to hell with the rules?’ How much longer are the Dems/Liberals/Progressives supposed to be the dupes, the dumb, the patsy? NO…we have tried all of that before and have gotten nowhere by playing along with a political party, selfish, self serving and sinister. 

AND of course with straight faces, with just enough puckered left or right side of their guilted lips, if we look close enough, we see the sneer, that a hides! Just buy OUR BS, we can’t lie much longer! I want the non KKK/Aryan Nation/Sons and Daughters of the Revolution Voters to wake up from their stupor and demand that the bigotry/stupidity/lying/crooked/nasty/hombre and his cohort of freaks stop aborting our freedoms/rights/equality.  AND oh yeah it will be too late, to do so pretty soon…YOU know that!


Well now that the contest for president has been settled, lets just continue to finish that cozy Norman Rockwell painting, the one depicting the United States in the 1950’s. No  more need for any nasty questions, we elected a president, and now we Americans should go on with our ways as if this nomination was just one more in a nation where any history of mistakes, well to be polite, just won’t be noticed and if they do they get shoved under the rug. Of course we don’t want the president elect to suffer the indignities of rehashing such questions as WHAT ABOUT YOUR TAX RETURNS…that might insult him and pity the poor journalist asking him that question, goodness knows how high up he or she might find themselves on the Enemies List.  And mercy me, why even bring up the subject about Russians hacking the DNC and HRC, that just might be like telling Aunt Bea, you don’t like her Apple Pie. And then there is that thing about a Blind Trust regarding anything with the Trump business.Lets be gracious and take him at his word, like we have for so many other issues, I am sure he would answer, if we were so rude as to ask, “everyone close your eyes (The Blind part) and trust me (The trust part), teehee! 

Pull up a chair and stack some wood on the fire place, get cozy, we will most likely have a War on Christmas to fight before we can even discuss Steve Bannon as Trumps’s chief strategist. Bannon is a guest in the Oval Office, and goodness gracious, how rude to inquire about anti-Semitic and racist comments made by the guest of the president. Nothing to worry about the son-in-law and the daughter are Jewish, so maybe NOT all Jews will be hated (Just the power ones and of course all of the Jewish Lenders) And anyway’s, after the election of Pro Life Judges (You know the guys who want to own women’s reproductive rights) are nominated Christianity will become mandatory anyway (So off with their nasty little heads anyway).So why worry NOW.

Lets all inhale, take a breath, lets wait while all the other secretive dealings fall in place (Because we all know so much about this man ALREADY) and once Trump is inaugurated and the Secret Police/The Enemies List/Bromance with Putin are integrated  into our culture, then we can all EXHALE. Why be a nervous Nelly Now!!!

Monday, November 14, 2016


So tell me NOW, right NOW how we are supposed to act like good obedient citizens and WAIT until Trump is sworn in as president. All of the people who wanted change, and believed that Hillary, alone, was the only politician to use a private server…all the people who thought Jews/LGBT friends and family would not have to worry because you just HAD to show how pissed off you were with Obamacare/less unemployment/less wars/a cleaner environment/. So tell me how those damn ruffians protesting Trumps Electoral College win…are disrespecting the DEMOCRATIC way…I dare you..cause here is the REAL deal..Steve Bannon is an admitted anti-Semite and racist…Mike Pence wants his private emails to be kept private…Jason Chaffetz, the ring leader of the Hillary E-mail witch hunt has been using a private server…Not one Republican has said word one about the Russian hacking of the DNC and HRC websites…Roe V Wade is not such a sure thing anymore…Wait, I read, come ON, the guy needs some time…So tell me NOW why I should wait to protest, protest, PROTEST!

Jessica Rabbit

Jessica Rabbit, “I’m not bad, I was drawn that way…” HERE IS the deal for me, no threats, no anger, no more shits to give…I love to discuss politics…makes me crazy at the same time invigorates me…I am opinionated, but am willingly ALWAYS, to hear the other side or the third or fourth side of a point of view…but I will not engage in any discussion when the proof of an argument is NOT based on reality…for example…if any politician tells his followers to kick some minority ass, or go grab some women’s ass, or makes an ass out himself in writing (Yes Tweeting is a form of writing), and I am told by anyone that even with audio or video IT NEVER HAPPENED…THEN you do not have the privilege of my time…if it is sheer innuendo, with that smirkish gottcha  grin because all the evidence you have is some kind of propaganda tome from FOX News or the same conspirators that Palin or Coulter use…PLEASE share your thoughts with a paper bag…

NO LONGER will I permit politicians pundits to use, as an excuse for their now very guilty conscience of voting for the Reality Star, the following sentences, “…give him a chance, he really didn’t mean everything he said,” AND THE KICKER, “well he isn’t even in office yet geeze!” Along with politics another favorite of mine is history, so much so that, at least the way I try and live my life is… if it was bad once, I will try hard to not let it repeat itself, twice…the guy the Electoral College has given the nod to, embodies a whole lot of history repeating itself…we already had an Enemies List president, we already had a too dumb to understand the world around us president, permitting his VP to make foreign policy…we already had domestic policies which permitted the banks to fail and the climate to destroy this planet, the body politic deciding some citizens just not Christian enough… we already had a GOP controlled Government, and it took a struggling 8 years to try and become normal…

AND FINALLY… I am an American, I am an American who was BORN homosexual…I am an American who was born a homosexual and raised to practice and revere Judaism…I am an American who was born Gay, raised Jewish, married another homosexual man…I am an American who was born homosexual, Jewish, a husband to my husband, with children a son and daughter, and sisters, and nieces and female friends. I am an American who was born a homosexual, Jewish, has a husband, has lots females in my life, is considered a senior adult and has a whole load of friends who happen to not all be white or Jewish. DO NOT TELL ME, in good conscience, that any vote for Trump/Pence will find any FUTURE for me…OR those I care about…  Didn’t like Hillary… Didn’t like the system… Didn’t care if the facts were never found out… Gave the middle finger to the Constitution..and in doing that NOW I have to suffer your mislaid consequences…Not waiting another 4 years to recover….It was Jessica Rabbit who said, “I’m not bad, I was drawn that way…” It is Trump who lives that way, BAD!

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Day 4, even you

Day Four: No longer feeling victimized…I can’t…too much at stake…but I need to EXHALE a bit, express some of the mayhem in my head toward the people in America who have overlooked ME…It seems along with being an American…I happen to be Gay, not only Gay but in a same sex marriage  which makes me really Gay (I actually make love to a man, called my husband)…I also happen to be a Jew, who had a a bris, was a Bar Mitzvah shattered the wine goblet into a million pieces, after I said I do. So. I must be considered a really Jewish Jew. (and I can speak Hebrew)…My Best Friend in the universe’s family is Mexican, he is Bi-lingual, he even has a name that sounds Spanish (his family makes tortilla’s for Christmas) he must really be a  grande Mexicano. My husbands Best Friend in the universe is an African American, he hates to step and fetch and will knock the crap out of you if you even suggest hoodies are, you know, Ghetto (He is in the fashion world and can out dress you in a heart beat)…he is married to a white man (OMG)…

I no longer am going to accept…Trump represents a Populist Movement, that his victory was necessary for change…BS…Obama brought change and IS a populist, which is something INCLUSIVE…Trump’s populism is in large part, RESTRICTED to the white sheets, the brown shirts, the Confederate Flag wearing fools who insist the South never lost the Civil War (And if you are none of the listed, I am still confused as to why you voted for Trump)…if Trump was part of a populist movement, then all the white Senators and Congress People who won re-election and had been serving for over two terms would have been ousted from office…Be honest, if you voted for Trump…you bought the Wikileaks’s lies presented by Russian operatives, showcased both on FOX News and hammered in place by two GOP committees whose main goal was Party over Country…Hillary was never perfect, but you knew all and anything about her…how about Trump’s tax returns…his medical records…his business loans…his pussy grabbing…It is very simple… Friends and Family who may have voted for Trump…You were afraid of the Black man…could not stand the idea of a White woman as Commander in Chief…pretended that since some of your best friends are People of Color, or Women, or Jews or Muslims or LGBT; that even though you voted against them, they would be fine…because you REALLY didn’t mean for your vote to be against THEM… Guess what YOU WERE WRONG!

Day Four and as they say:No More Shits To Give…Look closely at the Trump Transition Team/at Mike Pence’s record on civil rights…Ponder about health care/social security…did you forget, when you demanded Hillary be hanged for treason…that people you love will now be unable to afford insurance or the luxury to grow old with some dignity…We knew very little about Trump…but enough to know that his love for the Pursuit of Happiness for Americans was non-existent. My America has been affected in a most negative way, by YOUR perspective that America was not already great! Guess what, you got your wish cause it is going to suck in America…even for you!

Friday, November 11, 2016

I Reakon

Goodness, gracious, great balls of fire…the White House Correspondence Association IS deeply concerned, maybe even chagrined…with great consternation so it seems…WHY…well gosh darn, Trump the jerk who won the Republican nomination to represent that political party in the presidential reality show, is STILL acting like Trump the jerk who won the Electoral College majority…AND he is KEEPING SECRETS…ya know…like when he lied about the reason he couldn’t provide a copy of his tax returns, and we STILL haven’t seen it…OR THE copy of his medical report, not the one written on the TO DO LIST by a guy who just plays a doctor on TV but a real MD. MY STARS IN HEAVEN, the press is all flummoxed, that Trump and his third wife, with that foreign sounding name and accent, DID NOT permit the press to follow him on his payoff’s…I mean visits on his first DC tour. We got to see him with President Obama, (Thanks Mr President…I for one will certainly miss you)…but once Trump, the ever cunning and conning clown visited the REST of the politico’s in Washington, his band of brown shirts (oops, my Freudian slip) I meant gang his of liars and liar-esses (He likes to treat women SPECIAL) in white sheets, told the White House Correspondence Association…not this time bitches!  Seems Trump the Conquerer, is changing the rules (Now that is a headline) Trump plays by his own rules, then changes those rules then plays by new rules, but forgets they were his rules so he changes them again!

The Press is a mess. I guess they never saw this coming! OMG! How in the World could this happen, not letting all of the press have access to the Presumed Electoral College Nominee for President! Some thing MUST be done about this….HMMM…lets call upon the majority in the House and Senate…I am sure those Republicans, who always talk about the red, white and blue surely understand, this press snub sounds a lot like a dictatorship… well maybe not, I REAKON, those guys and gals are too busy rigging the elections in their own state what with stricter Voter ID Laws less polling places and voting hours…Guess those Republicans are busy enjoying the the way the activist Supreme Court decided that this election should be the first one since 1965 without the protection of the Voting Rights Act!

And so it begins, a drip, a drop, just some spilled water on the floor. Then a spurt, a splash, anyone have a mop and pail…then GLORY BE the entire damn just explodes and the flood appears. We never saw it coming, will be the headlines, it was like the earth shook and a great tsunami wave of Fascism over too the USA! Holy Cow, how’d that happen!

Day 3-Crazy me

Are you sure you are not a character from a Stephen King story, I asked myself inside my head, my mouth not moving, but my stomach churning…I was once again, perseverating over some unknown variables ,such as the election results from Tuesday and the resulting doom certainly drearily lying ahead…I promised myself, Wednesday morning the 9th of November to NOT watch cable news for the duration…I assured myself that if I don’t see Trump he won’t exist…I am a politics addict and it had almost driven me to sheer madness…I always wondered, if you go mad and suddenly the sun rises from the west, would you know the difference…could I go cold turkey, pretending that the past hasn’t happened yet…but then I am also a history junkie, and the pleasures of understanding facts, purpose and reason nagged at me…it would be hopeless to ignore the past, when indeed it will change the present, leaving me with lots of decisions for the future… 

History, I told myself, here in the year of the antichrist, 2016, has become a folk tale, something listed in the fiction category of the Dewey Decimal system (Oh how I age my life)…OR, history is now listed next to the New Testaments… if you don’t like what one Bible says, then choose another version…if there are not enough Thou Shalt Nots, find a text with some more…OR, find a pay for pray preacher who will, for an extra Benjamin, have Jesus come and whisper to you as you sleep…run, run, run for president… Not anti-Christ, I reprimanded myself, but, honestly how many people has HE promised HE would support for president…Then I remembered, Trump choose Pence for VP, and he certainly says he has Jesus’s ear…zygotes should have attorney’s…okay I exaggerated…fetus’s are the one with legal backup…and those damn LGBT’s certainly need to be categorized with the colored folk (I know that term will return as popular slang)…hard to even fathom I said to myself…but wait, it must be true cause, Dobson, Robertson, Graham, Falwell Jr and Duck Dynasty GrandPa agree…and they millionaires…just like their baby Christian Trump…

It has been hard not drinking in the nagging noise of CNN, the pitchy queerness of all the blonds on FOX (And I mean the word queer before the gays took it over, as in weirdos)…OR the ever ready to be the news like, any one on ABC, NBC, CBS or Chuck Todd…I did sip a bit of CNN cool-aid however as some dumb ass was standing in front of my locker at the gym, texting on his phone…imagining he was the ONLY one in that space…I heard Jake Tapper report that Trump is movement…I knew that…a number two kind of BM…but Jake was giving serious voice and said…The Popularist Movement voted for Trump and Hillary helped because she had over 20 years of service in the government…before I almost lost my self control to jump over and blast the sound on the TV in the locker room…I got into my lecture voice and said out loud to be exact McCain/Grassley/Shelby/Sessions…the guy on the phone looked at me…I responded with a despondent and dead like voice…it wasn’t the Popularlist Movement…just a bunch of bigots…

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Day Two, ME

I thought I could, but I can’t yet…you must, I said to myself when I woke up…move on, its life, one day your KIDS, kids will read with shock and awe, the history of this day, hopefully…maybe by then the tumor will become benign, eventually…I continued to spew… there was Joe McCarthy, George Wallace, for Christ’s sake, Richard Nixon…they did harm, was it ever lasting or did it seem as if it lasted forever, even now…you had Reagan, when he insisted trickle down was something other than pee, as he lifted his leg on the American bush…you were not out long enough to personally lose the love of friends from HIV-AIDS due to Ronnie’s lack of love for the homosexuals…so the tears, the emptiness only touched you in the kindest of ways…were the dead Gays just political collateral, anyway…

I thought I could, but I can’t yet…please try, I said, aloud… it is only the second day AFTER the election…as it looms long and so laboriously…Viet Nam was a lie, like this, I added… but people sacrificed even more, you know, you had friends, still do, some will always remain the same as the day they left the domino that finally fell…but that was an old war, so are they JUST old or ill…will something that ancient, still count…you might suffer because you are LGBT, or a senior adult or a Jew…but you are a white male there is is still privilege…will the white, out trump all the other demo’s…might be a bit be painful or maybe a pain in your ass…just don’t road trip to any town called Injustice, Godswill, or Merica…no one will miss you there, but they will find you if you hold hands with your husband…

I thought I could, but I can’t yet…you ARE gonna hafta’ I responded, to me… as evening fell, harder than the hope of Tuesday nights moon glow…you watched the blame fall like bombs as the building collapsed in NYC, the Pentagon…find fault, point fingers…BE the bully FINALLY…SORT OUT someone for being the liar, the crook, THE one to rig, or hack, or worst of all TO act naive enough…pretending two wrongs never make the same right…pretending that journalism is being the news…its news to you that reliable sources are not real, ignored or non persons…I was hoping I could reason…find rhyme…not ready…too much lost…too much of the bottom dropped beneath me…just don’t know where to place my feet and begin again…all day like a metronome above the piano…ticking…ticking…thinking…thinking…ideas stinking like a bouquet of rubbish, scattered…IS TRUMP the president elect…

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Music Died

Along time ago, I can still remember how that music used to make me smile.
And I knew if I had my chance, that I could make those people dance, and maybe they’s be happy for a while…Something touched me deep inside, the day the music died…so bye, bye Miss American Pie…(The Day the Music Died, Don McClean)

There are tears, turmoil, trauma for some, for others tears of triumph. We have acknowledged our great divide in this nation with our freedom to vote, and the festering wound so infected with vitriol, venom and decisiveness finally erupted permitting the poison to flow as destructive and devastating as lava. This nation has become a ghost of history, from which we never learned a single solitary lesson. Promises with no purpose serve as fact. Innuendo, ideally replaces truth. Hate is disguised as justice. 

The music of hope, chance, equality has been downed out by empty promises which only creates noise. We have lived the good ole days for the past 8 years. What could possibly be next, when men with white robes, brown shirts, confederate flags, King James Bibles are waving in their hands cheering on the incoming Emperor, while jeering the exiting of democracy! So, Bye, Bye to an American pie which was on its way to create equal pieces of freedom for everyone. For me the music has died, leaving a harsh sound of emptiness.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Today, I voted

“History”, my father would say, “always starts from a seed. Some specimen’s of history grow tall, with branches reaching seemingly forever. Other species of history are short with stubby growth, raggedy and rigid.” We had just finished watching the funeral of President Kennedy on CBS, when my father felt like sharing his thoughts. “JFK’s” branch has suddenly stopped no more reaching for the stars. But history is a weird thing, it can take away, but also leave tell-tale signs, remnants of what might what have been or could have been.”   My father finally added, “they say history repeats itself, but it never duplicates itself. It leaves just enough DNA to seed and blossom and it becomes the responsibility of us to begin the process again.” Finally, with a little levity in his eyes, his voice and his mannerisms, he looked at me and said, “Tag, you are it…begin!”

Today, two husbands, married to one another, Joe and I voted. We stood with other same-sex couples, opposite sex couples, singles, people of all colors of skin, eyes, hair. We stood with some people wearing religious objects from their necks, some folks in T-shirts others in business attire. Today, we saw voting instructions in a variety of languages, people with the most serious of expressions and others with a look of relief. Today, we clamored about the heat, the lines, but found consensus, in the fact that we were making history, and that mattered! Today, a a tell-tale sign was upon a branch of American democracy, I certainly hope I am a part of that branch reaching for the sky!

Monday, November 7, 2016

One More Day

“One more day, another day another destiny… one more day, one more dawn, one day more”. (One More Day, from Les Miserables). Elections, like so many other enterprises has become big business, profits to be made, bottom lines to be met. Shareholders expect payoff’s for their financial sponsorships. The media is preparing for the Super Bowl of politics, with play by play announcers at the ready to report on early voters from what they have eaten for breakfast to how many times they may have burped or farted while standing in line. Pollsters still predicting the whims, wants, wishes of those STILL undecided, as if by now ANYONE has not made up their minds. Surrogates for Trump continue manipulate the reporters with non-answers, Trump continues to lie, and Trump supporters continue to live the life where double standards are the rule instead of the exception. Talking heads understand their paychecks may diminish so between Monday and Tuesday night their heads will explode with everything they got, except the facts. Bias will float freely smothering any living basis of truth, and we will, many of us, wait with baited breath, to see if this country will continue forward with democracy, albeit, crippled, but still moving.

“One more day…” The debate will linger in the minds of some, is Hillary the lesser of two evils, even as every single witch hunt placed upon her door step has been rebuked. No one will still demand we see Trump’s tax returns, let alone his medical records. Hillary will be scrutinized for everything she does and says, while the only scrutiny regarding Trump will be how many lies he can tell in one rally. “Another, day, another destiny…The cable news entertainers, will have their charts, their punditry, their perspectives pretending all are based on something real. Cable news will look at this nation’ demographics as commodities, how many of this color do you have and how many of this gender do we have. The lines will be long for early voting, and most politicians, doing what they do best will lament on how inconvenient this must be for the voter, AND like most other issues, swear they will do something about it next time.

“One day more…” We see the venom, the vile, the ignorance, arrogance of the Trump Campaign, and yet watch as Americans believe that this time the Snake Oil will work. We hear the rhetoric, the slime and slander against Americans, deciding that we must vote against them, thinking that us will be better off that way. We participate in a process that has fallen so short of the intended deeds of democracy, that it is almost unrecognizable. Will we regain a sense of purpose, or become a splintered nation, were common, consensus, turn into chaos and confusion? “One day more…” and I wonder what ELSE could we permit to go wrong?

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Two Days

I have learned that it ain’t about the emails, never was (The GOP has made that clear with their bevy of mea-culpa’s) but it still always WILL BE, because to just announce that you can’t admit out loud your your own misogyny, regarding how a lady should never be president is just too candid and honest and might make you seem stupid! I have learned that a whole lot of the same people, who never wanted to shout out loud, admitting to their own racism, regarding how a black man made it to the White House, are still conjuring up the witch craft from two presidential election cycles past. But this time around, I have learned that with the permission of the GOP, any quiet whispers, any ahem’s after derogatory comments, any looking over your shoulder to discover who might be listening is more taboo then shouting out loud about how much you love to HATE. (This current crop of Republicans fear smart people)

I have learned that the truth does not matter as long as the fiction seems more enjoyable and fun. I have learned the phrase Party Before Country, and have learned that the like the icebergs, any remaining combination of ice that has held this nation as a democracy is melting, and will flood our system of governing, just like the cities too close to the oceans.(But that is not the worry of the Corporations, for the moment) I have learned that the media would rather be the news than report it, and that in fact few people even know the difference (The cable networks create their stars that way) I have learned that Reality TV is a much more sufficient substitute to settle disputes, build character, to educate and to avoid even looking beyond your cell phone let alone tomorrow. I have learned that the more you tell a lie, and the more permission you get to tell that lie, and the louder and quicker you speak while telling that same lie is good enough for at least 45% percent of this nation; and good enough to be select the next president!

I have learned that as much as we pretended to care about just how unique of a melting pot we were, many of us decided that the kettle was beginning to be filled with the residue of too many colors, too many sexualities, too many religions, too many variables and the American soup was not turning out less White and Christian enough for our nationalistic taste buds. I also learned that it wasn’t too many cooks ruining the pot, but that too many people who don’t cook, but just love to eat; folks who care less about the substance of the meal, who would rather see the presentation then worry about tasting the food. I have learned for many people what it looks like trumps what it tastes like. What it looks like trumps the food poisoning from not preparing it correctly! What have you learned?

Saturday, November 5, 2016

3 Days

Three days to go: This is not an easy countdown for me, but a very unsettled set of circumstances from which I must still complete my daily tasks, communicate with friends and family, and ponder not only what tomorrow may bring, but not knowing how difficult the tomorrow’s after that might become. It is not melodramatic, it is symptomatic of conditions that have surfaced flamed by insincerity, ravaged by innuendo, and tortured by a lack of will to find the simplest of things Something in Common, Something For the Good of All.

In reading non-fiction accounts of history usually composed by Sages from the days of BCE, to the mid-century journals of Tribal  Leaders fighting religious wars, to languishing on the accounts of the 17th to 20th century Archivists, mostly hearing the words of warriors, generals, to members of the royal court, I had wondered who spoke for the common person. What emotions, expectations, fears, or foibles filled the hearts and minds of people who had opinions but seemingly were on the bottom rung of decision making. Often time I would recoil, wanting to reprimand the villager, the farmer, the peasant, the mid-level administrator, the teacher, for not making the difference they so desperately realized was necessary. I read and re-read, and only a few times found that the common person, alone, could make the change he or she had felt in their hearts was necessary.  Too many times I felt discomfort understanding that some mountains seemed just too damned insurmountable. Or worse, just how heinous and horrible moments had to happen, combined with pain and powerlessness until the simple word could be heard. ENOUGH!

From my perspective old wounds have never been healed in this nation, and often times misdiagnosed at the convenience of who had the keys to operating rooms. A gash may heal but that area of the body remains scared, less strong than it originally was. Compound wounds never reattach the way they once functioned. Torment and trauma remain and like ghosts, haunt the interiors of our bodies, a quiet but just as deadly ailment. I believe our American way of life has been altered, never to be the same again, but with three days left, I wonder what will this country look like…a monster, a clone or a semblance of ashes from a tree of life once sturdy and strong! Will we finally be able to say enough and try again!

Friday, November 4, 2016


I am scared, my fear is very consuming, I am filled with worry, angst, and the idea that the future may be dismal and dark. There have been only three other times in my 67 year old life, when the politics of this nation have devastated my outlook and hope for this nation as well as my welfare as a citizen of the United States. The first happened as my family sat in our living room watching TV as President Kennedy informed his fellow Americans that the USA has put in place an embargo surrounding the nation of Cuba. We were told to be vigilant by the president, but reminded by the newscasters of the day, that a third world war might be eminent, but unlike other wars, this one would be nuclear. The second time my will seemed shattered, was when I happened to be in gym class, and our principal, interrupted the class with an announcement that President Kennedy had been assassinated. All students were to return home, immediately. When I arrived home, my parents and sisters were sitting, again, in front of the TV watching Walter Cronkite, every one was crying, this had been the first time I witnessed my father with tears. The third time, I felt lost and vulnerable as an American was on 9/11. To imagine, such terror, horror, to watch the mayhem, madness, to hear the shrieks, cries, and to not know why or how, this had arrived at our shores, our safe and secure landscape, was too much to comprehend.

I am scared, my fear has taken hold of my reasoning, leaving me with little to rationalize, let alone depend upon as a resolution. There is a chance that this nation may vote into office, a candidate who has demonstrated disdain, disgust, and some of the most undemocratic behavior our country has ever witnessed. He is permitted to bare no witness to his past, he is permitted to lie, he is permitted to speak as he denies others to ask questions. He is pardoned by the religious as he continues to sin. He is given a pass by Republican politicians whose own disregard for democracy runs a close second to his. He is a joke, as if once he is voted into office, we will hear the punchline and go on to the next laugh. He is Trump.

I am scared, my fear is real. Corporations are not real people. This is not a Christian nation. Women are not chattel. African Americans are not slaves nor thugs. The LGBT community are not sinners. Mexicans are not rapists.There is no voter fraud. The economy does not trickle down. There is no clean coal. Yet, if Trump is elected, and the Congress remains Red, all of the things I have mentioned will become true. This is not the broadcast of the final reality show for the season; this IS our future. Only three other times in MY life have I ever been so afraid!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Ivanka and Jared

Mr and Mrs Kushner: The two of you, Ivanka and Jared, are considered by the media to be the smart ones of the family involved in the Trump Campaign. You, Ivanka, have been the most dateable Trump child for your dad, and have certainly had the opportunity to be very close with your father in way too many ways! You are more of a confidant to your father much closer than your goofy brothers Beavis and Butthead. (The old adage that goes ‘Thank goodness your father was born before you’) relates very well to your brothers. Jared, you are said to be managing your father-in-laws marketing for the campaign, and must be proud of the the kind of support he has received from the alt-right. You know how to sell cheap merchandise and make the buyer embrace purchasing snake oil. 

I have a question for the two of you, Jared and Ivanka Kushner; do you realize you both are Jewish? You Jared, had the bris, the Bar Mitzvah, you Ivanka took the conversion classes and you both were married under the Huppa, as you Jared, broke the glass wine cup, both kissing as the crowd certainly cheered Mazol Tov!  Ivanka your son is considered a Jewish boy, he too having a bris, more Mazol shared that day!

So, Jared and Ivanka, tell me this, as another Jewish person living in the United States during your fathers fiction ridden campaign, how come the two of you are so silent regarding the KKK and the White Supremacy’s STRONG support for your father-in-law and father? Ivanka, dear, I know you are considered a savvy business guru, but had you ever studied 20th century history? And Jared, dude, such a marketing maven, do you recall something called the Nazi Party and the yellow Stars of David? Wait, I know, money buys you privileges, isn’t that what your father recited to you Ivanka? And you Jared, my mensch, you grew up in a Kosher gilded cage, understanding that people are poor. The thing about history, Jared and Ivanka is it can be known to repeat itself. Money can offset the immediate evilness of racism and anti-Semitism, but if you take the time or ask some of your help to read the history books, you will see, even money, lots of it does not keep the villagers from finally burning out the Jews! Oh Yeah, Ivanka and Jared do you think the white sheets and brown shirts know about you? Mr and Mrs Kushner, Jared and Ivanka, I offer you an old fashioned Oy Vay, and a bit of SHANDA (SHAME)