Trump loves to brag how he will bring jobs back to America. He assumes that no one will notice the labels on most of the furnishings for his hotels, the labels not only on his clothing line, but favorite child Ivanka’s line of women’s ware, and of course the packing slips on the steel used to build all of the Trump edifices. Those labels of course spell out the words made in China for the most part, and if not China some other nation which considers it lower class, political peons. Trump likes to talk about just how much American workers will be when he is president. The interesting thing, recently is the fact that Trump now supports a label. It is either hidden underneath that thing lying on his head, or perhaps his genitals…that tag spell out the words Made in Russia.
About two weeks before Halloween I saw my first Christmas holiday commercial. For a few seconds I was shocked, but then kind of smiled thinking to myself, this seems a bit late for Christmas advertising. Then it made me wonder; since the entertainers on FOX, like Hannity and O’Reily and of course the clones on Fox and Friends are so busy supporting their Comrade in Arms, Trump, none of them may have had time to write their books about a War On Christmas. So I am curious if the election is over and Hilary wins, will she then be blamed for the next war on Christmas?
I remember studying 20th Century history in college. it seemed back in the day when the Soviet Union and the United States of America desired a change in leadership of a foreign country, both nations would provide the arms, ammunition and availability to over throw a government. It was usually a bloody battle and any fan of history would know which super-power handled this covert operation, by that nations newspapers headlines; either condoning the uprising or condemning it. Now that the Russians have become more resourceful and Vladimir Putin more insecure, his nation no longer needs a bloody series of deaths and unruliness to topple a government. They have demonstrated quite a bit of sophistication in using one of the dumbest men in America, dining him with cash, women and narcissistic pleasures and as spy agencies say compromising him so he becomes the lack he was meant to be. Much less costly to blackmail a jerk then pay for a bloody coupe!