Mr and Mrs Kushner: The two of you, Ivanka and Jared, are considered by the media to be the smart ones of the family involved in the Trump Campaign. You, Ivanka, have been the most dateable Trump child for your dad, and have certainly had the opportunity to be very close with your father in way too many ways! You are more of a confidant to your father much closer than your goofy brothers Beavis and Butthead. (The old adage that goes ‘Thank goodness your father was born before you’) relates very well to your brothers. Jared, you are said to be managing your father-in-laws marketing for the campaign, and must be proud of the the kind of support he has received from the alt-right. You know how to sell cheap merchandise and make the buyer embrace purchasing snake oil.
I have a question for the two of you, Jared and Ivanka Kushner; do you realize you both are Jewish? You Jared, had the bris, the Bar Mitzvah, you Ivanka took the conversion classes and you both were married under the Huppa, as you Jared, broke the glass wine cup, both kissing as the crowd certainly cheered Mazol Tov! Ivanka your son is considered a Jewish boy, he too having a bris, more Mazol shared that day!
So, Jared and Ivanka, tell me this, as another Jewish person living in the United States during your fathers fiction ridden campaign, how come the two of you are so silent regarding the KKK and the White Supremacy’s STRONG support for your father-in-law and father? Ivanka, dear, I know you are considered a savvy business guru, but had you ever studied 20th century history? And Jared, dude, such a marketing maven, do you recall something called the Nazi Party and the yellow Stars of David? Wait, I know, money buys you privileges, isn’t that what your father recited to you Ivanka? And you Jared, my mensch, you grew up in a Kosher gilded cage, understanding that people are poor. The thing about history, Jared and Ivanka is it can be known to repeat itself. Money can offset the immediate evilness of racism and anti-Semitism, but if you take the time or ask some of your help to read the history books, you will see, even money, lots of it does not keep the villagers from finally burning out the Jews! Oh Yeah, Ivanka and Jared do you think the white sheets and brown shirts know about you? Mr and Mrs Kushner, Jared and Ivanka, I offer you an old fashioned Oy Vay, and a bit of SHANDA (SHAME)