Thursday, November 10, 2016

Day Two, ME

I thought I could, but I can’t yet…you must, I said to myself when I woke up…move on, its life, one day your KIDS, kids will read with shock and awe, the history of this day, hopefully…maybe by then the tumor will become benign, eventually…I continued to spew… there was Joe McCarthy, George Wallace, for Christ’s sake, Richard Nixon…they did harm, was it ever lasting or did it seem as if it lasted forever, even now…you had Reagan, when he insisted trickle down was something other than pee, as he lifted his leg on the American bush…you were not out long enough to personally lose the love of friends from HIV-AIDS due to Ronnie’s lack of love for the homosexuals…so the tears, the emptiness only touched you in the kindest of ways…were the dead Gays just political collateral, anyway…

I thought I could, but I can’t yet…please try, I said, aloud… it is only the second day AFTER the election…as it looms long and so laboriously…Viet Nam was a lie, like this, I added… but people sacrificed even more, you know, you had friends, still do, some will always remain the same as the day they left the domino that finally fell…but that was an old war, so are they JUST old or ill…will something that ancient, still count…you might suffer because you are LGBT, or a senior adult or a Jew…but you are a white male there is is still privilege…will the white, out trump all the other demo’s…might be a bit be painful or maybe a pain in your ass…just don’t road trip to any town called Injustice, Godswill, or Merica…no one will miss you there, but they will find you if you hold hands with your husband…

I thought I could, but I can’t yet…you ARE gonna hafta’ I responded, to me… as evening fell, harder than the hope of Tuesday nights moon glow…you watched the blame fall like bombs as the building collapsed in NYC, the Pentagon…find fault, point fingers…BE the bully FINALLY…SORT OUT someone for being the liar, the crook, THE one to rig, or hack, or worst of all TO act naive enough…pretending two wrongs never make the same right…pretending that journalism is being the news…its news to you that reliable sources are not real, ignored or non persons…I was hoping I could reason…find rhyme…not ready…too much lost…too much of the bottom dropped beneath me…just don’t know where to place my feet and begin again…all day like a metronome above the piano…ticking…ticking…thinking…thinking…ideas stinking like a bouquet of rubbish, scattered…IS TRUMP the president elect…