Monday, November 14, 2016

Jessica Rabbit

Jessica Rabbit, “I’m not bad, I was drawn that way…” HERE IS the deal for me, no threats, no anger, no more shits to give…I love to discuss politics…makes me crazy at the same time invigorates me…I am opinionated, but am willingly ALWAYS, to hear the other side or the third or fourth side of a point of view…but I will not engage in any discussion when the proof of an argument is NOT based on reality…for example…if any politician tells his followers to kick some minority ass, or go grab some women’s ass, or makes an ass out himself in writing (Yes Tweeting is a form of writing), and I am told by anyone that even with audio or video IT NEVER HAPPENED…THEN you do not have the privilege of my time…if it is sheer innuendo, with that smirkish gottcha  grin because all the evidence you have is some kind of propaganda tome from FOX News or the same conspirators that Palin or Coulter use…PLEASE share your thoughts with a paper bag…

NO LONGER will I permit politicians pundits to use, as an excuse for their now very guilty conscience of voting for the Reality Star, the following sentences, “…give him a chance, he really didn’t mean everything he said,” AND THE KICKER, “well he isn’t even in office yet geeze!” Along with politics another favorite of mine is history, so much so that, at least the way I try and live my life is… if it was bad once, I will try hard to not let it repeat itself, twice…the guy the Electoral College has given the nod to, embodies a whole lot of history repeating itself…we already had an Enemies List president, we already had a too dumb to understand the world around us president, permitting his VP to make foreign policy…we already had domestic policies which permitted the banks to fail and the climate to destroy this planet, the body politic deciding some citizens just not Christian enough… we already had a GOP controlled Government, and it took a struggling 8 years to try and become normal…

AND FINALLY… I am an American, I am an American who was BORN homosexual…I am an American who was born a homosexual and raised to practice and revere Judaism…I am an American who was born Gay, raised Jewish, married another homosexual man…I am an American who was born homosexual, Jewish, a husband to my husband, with children a son and daughter, and sisters, and nieces and female friends. I am an American who was born a homosexual, Jewish, has a husband, has lots females in my life, is considered a senior adult and has a whole load of friends who happen to not all be white or Jewish. DO NOT TELL ME, in good conscience, that any vote for Trump/Pence will find any FUTURE for me…OR those I care about…  Didn’t like Hillary… Didn’t like the system… Didn’t care if the facts were never found out… Gave the middle finger to the Constitution..and in doing that NOW I have to suffer your mislaid consequences…Not waiting another 4 years to recover….It was Jessica Rabbit who said, “I’m not bad, I was drawn that way…” It is Trump who lives that way, BAD!