“One more day, another day another destiny… one more day, one more dawn, one day more”. (One More Day, from Les Miserables). Elections, like so many other enterprises has become big business, profits to be made, bottom lines to be met. Shareholders expect payoff’s for their financial sponsorships. The media is preparing for the Super Bowl of politics, with play by play announcers at the ready to report on early voters from what they have eaten for breakfast to how many times they may have burped or farted while standing in line. Pollsters still predicting the whims, wants, wishes of those STILL undecided, as if by now ANYONE has not made up their minds. Surrogates for Trump continue manipulate the reporters with non-answers, Trump continues to lie, and Trump supporters continue to live the life where double standards are the rule instead of the exception. Talking heads understand their paychecks may diminish so between Monday and Tuesday night their heads will explode with everything they got, except the facts. Bias will float freely smothering any living basis of truth, and we will, many of us, wait with baited breath, to see if this country will continue forward with democracy, albeit, crippled, but still moving.
“One more day…” The debate will linger in the minds of some, is Hillary the lesser of two evils, even as every single witch hunt placed upon her door step has been rebuked. No one will still demand we see Trump’s tax returns, let alone his medical records. Hillary will be scrutinized for everything she does and says, while the only scrutiny regarding Trump will be how many lies he can tell in one rally. “Another, day, another destiny…The cable news entertainers, will have their charts, their punditry, their perspectives pretending all are based on something real. Cable news will look at this nation’ demographics as commodities, how many of this color do you have and how many of this gender do we have. The lines will be long for early voting, and most politicians, doing what they do best will lament on how inconvenient this must be for the voter, AND like most other issues, swear they will do something about it next time.
“One day more…” We see the venom, the vile, the ignorance, arrogance of the Trump Campaign, and yet watch as Americans believe that this time the Snake Oil will work. We hear the rhetoric, the slime and slander against Americans, deciding that we must vote against them, thinking that us will be better off that way. We participate in a process that has fallen so short of the intended deeds of democracy, that it is almost unrecognizable. Will we regain a sense of purpose, or become a splintered nation, were common, consensus, turn into chaos and confusion? “One day more…” and I wonder what ELSE could we permit to go wrong?